Chapter 37: To Be or Not To Be

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Dustin's POV

This is not what I wanted to have happen. The day Loissa told me she was pregnant, I was pissed. I already knew things were gonna go left when Faith found out. I know I probably should've told her as soon as I did, or I probably should've told her in private, but it's not like I knew Loissa was gonna do that.

Now that all of this shit happened, there was no way Faith was gonna talk to me again. I'm not even sure if I could fix this. I don't blame her for being mad at me, though. I shouldn't have left her that morning.

While I kept thinking about what just happened, I looked over at my brothers and they all looked at me in disbelief. I looked at my mom and she looked disappointed. I looked over at Loissa, and she had tears in her eyes.


"Loissa..." I started to say.

"Don't!" she said as she got up and walked upstairs. There was no way that I could explain this to her, so I decided to just let her cool down.

"Typical Dustin," Kelly said as he got up and walked out the house, I assume to go after Faith.

I know I should've been the one to go after her, but what would I even say to her?

Faith's POV

I was getting in my car when I heard Kelly calling my name.

"Faith! Wait a minute!" he said as he ran towards me, but that didn't stop me from getting in my car.

"I want to be left alone Kelly," I said.

"You may be mad at Dustin, but that doesn't mean that you have to shut me out," he said as he held my door open from me closing it.

"I'm shutting everyone out. I don't want to talk to anyone right now," I said as I yanked my door from out of his grip and closed the door. I started up my car and headed home.


4 weeks later....

It's been about a month since I last talked or seen Dustin. Of course he's been calling and texting my phone, but I haven't communicated with him. This shit was unforgivable. He had the nerve to sit there and smile in my face about the pregnancy, but when out of sight, he wanted to hug up on me?

I felt completely disrespected and disgusted. Why would he even do that? Why would he even think I would tolerate that shit?

I've been so stressed out with the situation. I was never gonna get any closure from this situation. On top of that, I've been getting sick. I've been having headaches and throwing up all week, and I never throw up.

He was taking a toll on my body and my mind, and there was nothing I could do about it. I haven't even had told to cope with the situation. I never cried about the situation. There was too much hurt and anger built up. I was tired of crying over him. He wasn't worth it. Hell, I must not have been worth it either for him to do that to me.

Before I could think any further, I heard my stomach growl. I've been so hungry, but I haven't been able to keep anything down. I've been having to juice kale and frozen fruit all week just to keep anything down. One piece of solid food and I was on the bathroom floor throwing the hell up.

I needed to make a doctor's appointment, because this shit wasn't normal. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone, a pen, and my calendar that hung up on my refrigerator.

I called the Doctor's office and made an appointment for next week. As I wrote the time under the day I was suppose to go, it made it stop and think. I grabbed my phone and went to my period tracker. Even though my periods were irregular, something just didn't feel right.

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