Chapter 74: Moving Forward

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A few months later...

Kelly's POV

These past few months have been good. Everything was going great. My brothers and I finally released the video for Say Yes, and the feedback from the fans was incredible. We've been so busy these past few months, but hey I can't complain. The album is just about ready for release, and we'll be going out and promoting soon, which is dope! I'm ready to see all the fans again; it's been a long time.

As for Faith and I, things have been great. We've been going out on plenty of dates, and spending a lot of time together, which really created a healthy foundation for our relationship. As for the sex, we haven't been having any. I can't believe that she's lasted this long, let alone me. We're both always so horny, her more than me, sometimes me more than her. Going two months without sex was hard as hell, but worth it. For the first couple of weeks, I was cranky as hell, having some withdrawal symptoms, and had a bit of but after a while, I got use to it, and started to deal with it. I not gonna lie though; I miss not being able to give her some loving, but hopefully we wouldn't have to keep doing this for much longer.

There have been times where we would almost slip up. After dates, we wouldn't be able to keep our hands off each other. It would go from us kissing each other goodnight, to me picking her up and carrying her into the house towards her bedroom. But of course she wouldn't let me get far; before I would even be able to take her clothes off, she would stop me.

Tonight, Faith and I were doing to have a movie night at her house, since we were tired of going out. Plus, it has been kind of difficult with the paparazzi and fans wanting constant pictures. The reason it's been so difficult is because I haven't officially come out and said that I have a girlfriend. As artists, we're suppose to stay single for the sake of our image.

Faith knows the drill because she's been around us for many years, so she understands. We all had girlfriends when we were younger, so we were all used to saying we were single. Of course, with Faith, I would drop that in a heartbeat. They've probably already figured it out by now due to the recent pictures that have been taken, as well, as the fans knowing that Faith has been around us for such a long time; she was bound to date one of us sooner or later.

Soon, I'll let the fans know everything....I didn't want to keep my baby a secret forever....I mean should I tell my fans, or should I just keep my baby hidden? I do wanna make sure that she's protected and won't be put in harms way. One day...they were gonna know that I was a taken man.

Dustin's POV

It's been 2 months since Loissa and I started back talking. We've been on good terms ever since, which was amazing. It felt good not having to fight and argue about stupid stuff. I just wanted to keep moving forward.

Loissa and I were leaving the doctor's office for the 3rd time this week. As she progressed in her pregnancy, the doctor's appointments have become more frequent because the due date was quickly approaching.

I've been to every doctor's appointment and birthing class and I couldn't have been more proud of myself. Hell, I even surprised Loissa with a maternity shoot in order to show her how serious I was at making my son a priority, plus I wanted to do a nice gesture for her, as one of my ways of apologizing.

As for my love life, I don't really have one. I'm not gonna lie; it has been difficult seeing Kelly and Faith boo'd up. I was happy for them, but part of me still wished that it was me. But I would rather her be with Kelly than me. If I could choose, I would choose our friendship than having a romantic relationship with her. Our friendship was extremely deep and close and I don't think I would've traded that for a friendship. I know that I could be content with the friendship we had; it was just gonna take me a minute to get use to it. Hopefully not too long though; I mean it has been a couple of months.

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