Chapter 42: The Talk

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Dustin's POV

It's been a few weeks since I last seen Faith; I see Kelly everyday. He comes over to see mom and the rest of the bros. As for me, he doesn't really say much to me, I guess because of how I reacted, but I didn't care. I mean I know he was doing this to help Faith, but why couldn't that be me?

Just because Loissa was pregnant didn't mean that I still couldn't be there for Faith and to help her. I mean, it was as if no one gave a fuck that I was in love with Faith, because if they did, everyone would've been nicer to me about it.

For the past few weeks, I had taken into consideration what my mom said. Faith and I needed to talk, and when I said talk, we really needed to talk. There didn't need to be any arguing or yelling at each other. We just needed to have a cordial conversation.

I texted her and told her what was up.

Dustin: Hey, we need to talk.

Faith: I'm not sure I wanna talk. Every time we talk, we always end up arguing. It's not healthy.

Dustin: I understand that. But we definitely should talk about where this relationship is going. I want to know how you feel towards me. For once in your life, let me in and stop shutting me out. There won't be any arguments; it'll be a cordial conversation. It's what we both need.

It took her a few minutes to text me back. I assume she was hesitating whether she should talk to me or not.

Faith: fine Dustin...but one outburst and you're out.

Dustin: Thank you Faith, and I promise I won't yell.

I grabbed my keys, and walked out the house to my car. I cranked it up, pulled out of my driveway, and made my way to her house.

I was definitely nervous. I was more nervous than anything right now. I was more nervous now than I was right before I told her that I was in love with her. But this conversation would be totally different. It might even make her cry; hell it might make me cry.

As I made my way closer and closer to her house, I could feel my heart beating more rapidly. I could hear it in my ears.

Damn, I didn't want to do this, but this was the best thing for the both of us.


I pulled up to her driveway, parked my car and got out. Now was the moment of truth. The speech I had been putting together, the talk that I was dreading was finally gonna come out and be heard.

I made my way to her door and knocked on it and waited for her to answer.

When the door opened, it wasn't her. It was Kelly...ugh.

"Yo," he said.

"Hey..." I said with slight attitude.

Instantly, Faith entered the door frame. "Come in."

Kelly stepped aside so that I could come in.

"I'm gonna go to the gym. Call me if you need anything," Kelly said as he hugged Faith and then walked out, closing the door behind him.

It was just me and an awkward silence.

"You can sit down if you want to," she said.

I helped myself to a seat beside her. I took a deep breath and faced her.

"Look I know these past few weeks and months have been extremely difficult, especially because of me, and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything that's happened," I said.

She just nodded her head.

"I love you and I do care about you a lot, and I know it might be hard to believe because of the shit that I do, but please believe me when I say that. Now, I promised that this conversation would be cordial, and I'm gonna keep that promise. Do you have anything that you want to say?" I asked her.

"Yes. Actually I do. You know I love you too, but I honestly feel like this relationship would never work, especially with Loissa around. I'm not sure if this is what you were gonna say, but it's best if we don't pursue a relationship. There's just too much hurt, and just wouldn't work," she said with all seriousness.

I was kinda pissed; I mean I know that this is exactly what I was gonna say, but to hear her actually say that really bothered me.

"So you don't think that this will work ever?" I asked.

She exhaled. "I don't know...I don't think so. I don't know what the future holds, but as of now, my answer is no. And you know that it wouldn't work."

I thought it would hurt her to tell her the truth, but it ended up hurting me when the truth came from her.

"So what about us? Are we friends? What are we?" I asked.

"We can try, I guess. But that's not going to be a walk in the park. I mean we slept together and we've had feelings for one another. Not sure if it will work, but we can try I guess. I honestly wish we could have the friendship we had before all of this bullshit," she said as she crossed her arms and looked away from me.

I definitely agreed; I missed the friendship we used to have. Things were so much easier that way.

"Don't get me know how I feel about you, but I wish you either would've told me sooner, or wouldn't have told me at all," she said. heart just sunk.

"Why say that? We were meant to be," I tried to tell her.

"Yeah, were..." she said.

I exhaled. I think it was time for me to go.

"Before I go, I just wanted to let you know that I was going to tell you the same exact thing you told me," I said as I got up.

"That's good to know. I'm glad we're on the same page," she said.

"Me too," I said as I walked to the door. "See you later...I guess."

"Sure," she said as she followed behind me to lock up.

I walked out and got in my car to head home.

I truly regretted having this talk...I regretted telling her my feelings this late. I should've told her as soon as I felt it.

Faith's POV

How did I feel?

I felt relieved...but at the same time, I was pissed. If he would've told me sooner, we wouldn't be in this situation. But things were better this way. If they weren't better now, they would be later.

To be honest, I'm not sure if we could be friends after all that's happened. There was too much history and feelings. I mean this was the guy that I've been best friends with for 6 years, the one I gave my virginity to, the one I was in love with, the one who I was almost pregnant by.

This was way too much bullshit to deal with....I'd rather die than to be in this situation.

I would rather start a new life than have to deal with this.

I'm not even sure if I wanted to be his friend. Lord knows how many times we've tried these different alternatives.


After a while, Kelly came back and he could immediately tell that there was something wrong with me.

I told him about the agreement that I had with Dustin and how much it hurt and pissed me off, and of course he was there for me. Lately, he was my shoulder to cry on. There would be some days where I would just be emotional and pissed and he was right there.

That's what he's done for the past few weeks; he even got me out of the house, which is something that I had dreaded.

But of course I was glad that he was here, because who knows where I'd be now had he not moved in.

Now that Dustin and I weren't gonna pursue being a couple, I could focus on myself, getting back on track with school, and finding what makes me happy, because at this point, I'm not sure what did make me happy anymore.

Sorry for the short chapter...didn't really know what else to write. But I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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