Surprise for Nick

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Views of Nick's friends about him (Nick hope we succeeded in surprising you with this as you surprise us)

miki8958 (Annamika) :

He's a great friend and very loyal and doesn't judge. He knows more then he let's on and he can be quite humorous, even though he gets very cocky. He cares a lot about people because he knows what it's like to not be in a good place. He's a good person, though he's very closed off :) Also for some reason he likes to quote songs.

He has an interesting style when he writes, it draws you in and you just want to know more, your mind doesn't wonder when you read his books. The theory of everything is his main priority out of his books right now and if you've read it you'll know it's like he is telling a story, instead of it just happening he writes it like Eli is telling her tale herself, which I find amazing when reading. I personally just think he's a brilliant writer.

HusnaM (Husna) :

I found The Theory of Everything in the midst of a busy university life a good five months ago and I found myself completely embalmed by the story world catching myself grinning or cringing at different moments. I tend to vote on most books I read but I decided to even comment. I read three chapters that were present and quickly needed more. Having voted and commented on every chapter repeatedly I received reply messages from @thelead almost instantaneously from which I was mighty surprised. I had presumed it was an incredibly popular book with much too many comments for the author to reply. So I returned to page the next day to find I was the only who commented and it was a relatively new book. Besides the replies were ever so amusing so I added the books to my library and continued to read regularly. I followed @thelead too because his description was hilarious. Chapter four was dedicated to me and @thelead had quickly gained readership so I was mighty surprised he still noticed my comments. When I neglected his book for a month he came on to my message board to ask me where was I and so I returned to find his popularity was increased and was incredibly happy for him. I still continue to read every chapter as he updates as his characters are so likable and his stories are so well written. All round he is a fantastic writer and a great comedian.

OnceUponATime_333 (Justine):

I love him. He is an amazing writer, extremely talented, and very sweet and charming. I know that someday his books will be selling like crazy in stores everywhere.:)

Shrumein :

Wattpad is the only platform we have came across so far where people get to share their thoughts via stories. But many of us even make lifelong friends. Even if they are digital they are still powerful in driving us away from the reality. And ours is Nick. We acknowledged him through his stories and then one conversation to another lead us here. We got the privilege of interrogating him.;) Especially for his impact on readers May be because of what he writes or how he interacts with them. Intriguing personality as him has many curious followers.We all know curiosity killed a cat but thank God we are not felines. By the way do you know he doesn't like cats. That's one more reason to thank God for;). So this was the only chance to know him better which no one could have refused. When he offered that himself! It was fun chasing him through his busy schedule with many bitter sweet memories. All in all he is very likable,shrewd and understanding and beautiful person. You all will like him :)

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