Surprise for Sir Rob

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Views of Sir Rob's fans about him (Sir Rob hope we succeeded in surprising you with this as you surprise us)

halouaynialliam12 (Darcy):

Sir Rob is a legend and a generous man who updates for us ritually️.

He explores every single character so deeply that you instantly feel connected to them . Even the seemingly irrelevant characters have something to offer. His writing is simple, real and doesn't complicate things but don't lack power at all (((and humor))) .

I couldn't tell you how much I love the book and I am so glad that's it's receiving the recognition it deserves. I am absolutely in love with Lilly. Patsy is so cool and intriguing (maybe another story with Patsy as the main?? ; )

And Ambrose...Ambrose. I am in love with him against my own better judgement. You know a book is brilliant when you feel that the characters are real, when you feel connected to them, when you share their thoughts, feelings etc. I may or may not want the story to end because it's just an incredible story but of course every good story has to end somewhere.
Good luck to you both and have fun with your interview!! x


He's awesome. For the most part the only reason I go on wattpad is to make fun of the grammar mistakes that abound in every single story in this app. But I clicked on his book and it was actually interesting. And had decently-lengthed chapters. And was properly edited. And I read on 91 chapters in one weekend. That's how much I like him.

siriuslycrazy4 (Srividya):

I discovered Storm and Silence a year back. Seeing the description, I thought it'd be a typical bad boy and feisty heroine storyline. But, boy was I mistaken! Nothing could have prepared me for the amazingness that is Storm and Silence! Since then, I've been hoping that everyday in the week could be Wednesday xP Considering the fact that English is not Sir Rob's first language, the writing in the book is flawless! Thank you Sir Rob, for sharing your wonderful story with us :)

incandescentsunshine (Subhashri):

Like an ant which found a grain of sugar, I chanced upon Storm and Silence in one of my stalking sessions of the discover page. To me, at that point Storm and Silence was just 'another' story. But boy was I wrong. Storm and Silence turned out to be everything I didn't expect it to be. I felt like I was given a delicacy that was hot and cold at the same time and I found myself coming back for more spoonfuls ( oh who am I kidding? I wanted seconds).I love the way this book makes me elicit emotions, not can do that. Your writing is impeccable. I am in love with Lillian's POVs and Mr.Ambrose's cold words. ;)I finally understand the meaning behind Storm and Silence, Lillian is the storm and Mr. Ambrose is the Silence. She is a fiery Ifrit and he is a cold statue of a Greek god. I am at a loss for words and anything I think of makes no sense, but I just want to say this: THANK YOU. Thank you for creating an universe to which I can keep coming back. Thank you for making my Wednesdays exciting, they have honestly become a gift. Just, Thank you.


First of all Thank you so much Sir Rob for your time. When we asked him for the interview,we were sure that he wouldn't reply,given how busy he is these days. Apart from writing stories and updating them at their scheduled time, he is also working hard to get a degree in English Literature. Talking with him is so easy. Conjure anything in your mind,put it as a question and he'll give the funniest answer. He is very jovial and friendly. You'll feel like you've known him from a very long time. He is an amazing writer as we all know and so down to earth, no doubt he had made his place in fans heart so easily. Well not that easily but surely because of his charming character.Make sure you read his stories and vote for them. He deserves it very much.Thank you so much Sir Rob.

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