An interview with @RobThier

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Robert Thier is a German Historian and writer of Historical Fiction. His particular mix of history, romance and adventure, always with a good deal of humor thrown in, has gained him a diverse readership ranging from teenagers to retired grandmothers. For the way he manages to make history come alive, as if he himself had lived as a medieval knight, his fans all over the world have given him the nickname "Sir Rob".
For him, Robert says, becoming a writer has followed naturally from his interest in history. "In Germany," he says, "we use the same word for story and history. And I've always loved the one as much as the other. Becoming a storyteller, a writer, is what I've always wanted."
Besides writing and researching in dusty old archives, on the lookout for a mystery to put into his next story, Robert enjoys classical music and long walks in the country.Robert lives in the south of Germany in a small village between the three Emperor's Mountains.

Why his Fans Call Robert 'Sir' Rob?
It all began while Robert was writing the medieval novel 'The Robber Knight'. One of his readers misread 'Robber Knight' for 'Robert Knight', and began to refer to Rob as Sir Rob. Other fans started to use the nickname, and before Rob knew what had happened, he was elevated to knighthood by popular vote. In real life he might be a simple historian, but to his readers he has become a noble gentleman from centuries past.

This is a small attempt to get to know him better:)

SM (Shrumein): Why and When did you decide to become a writer?

Rob Their: When I realized the ideas that kept popping into my head would never stop bugging me until I wrote them down. It was simple self-preservation ;-)

SM: Do you write more by logic or intuition, or some combination of the two?

Rob Their: I write on intuition, and then check for logic.

SM: How do you think you've evolved creatively?

Rob Their: I have no idea. You'll have to ask my muses for an expert opinion.

SM: Your stories feature mostly strong women. Who were some of your role models for that?

Rob Their: Granny Weatherwax from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series has had a considerable influence, as well as Tamora Pierce's Keladry of Mindelan

SM: If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Rob Their: Terry Pratchett. Unfortunately, he died a short while ago.

SM: Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

Rob Their: I sketch out a vague outline, but nothing definite.

SM: Your thoughts on plagiarism. Any suggestions to stop it?

Rob Their: I'm not sure. One could always try asking people nicely not to plagiarize ;-)

SM: Most of your stories are of medieval times. Do you ever feel that you should have been born in that era?

Rob Their: No! That would mean no computers or typewriters. I would be lost.

SM: Your story "Storm and Silence" is from the viewpoint of woman. Is it more difficult for you than from the male perspective?

Rob Their: Not after I read a lot of stories from female Point Of View. It helped a lot to get into the female mindset.

SM: Both the male protagonists Sir Reuben Rachwild and Mr.Ambrose have all qualities of a skilled leader. Can we say that it's your shadow we see in these characters or someone close to your life?

Rob Their: Well, I've never tried leading an army into battle or building an industrial empire, so I can't exactly tell you for sure.

SM: What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?

Rob Their: My latest book, every time I finish a new one.

SM: What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing against being published or the other way around?

Rob Their: I suppose that in self-publishing you have more freedom, but you also have less exposure and more work to do.

SM: How do you feel about eBooks vs. print books?

Rob Their: They both have their valid places in a reader's world.

SM: How do you think reading your book will impact people?

Rob Their: I want to write books that people can laugh and relax over and that they return to again and again like an old friend. What I love most is when people tell me that my stories have helped them through a difficult times, as my favorite books have done for me many a time.

SM: Any message for your followers?

Rob Their: You are fantastic! Thank you for your wonderful support! :)

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