An interview with MeganLockhart

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SM(Shrumein): Tell us something about yourself?

Megan: As for my life outside Wattpad, I'm an Air force shift worker pulling a rotational schedule of 12 hours every four days a week and sleeping the four I'm off. Makes it a little hard to write when your computer is being monitored by our intel unit. A large part of way it takes me forever to update.

SM(Shrumein): What circumstances or who inspired you to write The Black Knight?

Megan: The circumstances were really just me on a historical novel bender, and getting fed up with lust at first site plot lines. That and I'd just finished watching every Jane Austen movie I had. I kept wondering why Jane Austen could write a killer lead female, even given the time period, but current day authors were still caught up with the good looking main characters, with often a Mary Sue heroine.

SM(Shrumein): What is your definition of 'Beautiful'?

Megan: Physically, my definition doesn't differ very much from other women. I just try not to have my story focus on physical beauty as the sole attractor between my characters. Which, some don't, but there are still some that do. And that to me is not enough, a real, long lasting relationship is not built on how hot at person is.

SM(Shrumein): What do you think are the secret ingredients for a good story?

Megan: Good plot, great dialogue, and if you're striving for realistic, be realistic. Consider the motivation of your characters, consider their environment, and please paint a picture with your words. It is so easy to get confused by a story when you have jumpy scenes.

SM(Shrumein): Do you believe in portraying real life experiences in your stories in order to make it more realistic?

Megan: It certainly adds a degree of realism and often humor to them. So, yes. Draw on whatever source you have. If you remember a time when someone said or did something funny, chances are you're not the only one who thought it was funny.

SM(Shrumein): "But she can't keep this up forever, not on her own."
Says Carrie to William referring Nan.
Do you believe that women can't survive independently,that there has to be a male figure for their support?

Megan: No. A woman does not always need a man to support her. But at some point in life, we all need help. Whether that help comes from a man or woman doesn't and shouldn't matter. It's that someone is there to help, offering, and willing.

SM(Shrumein): What do you think of plagiarism? Any suggestions to stop it?

Megan: Sadly, the romance genre is a highly cliche world, so original plot lines are hard to come by. But still if you are going to write don't base your written world entirely off someone else's work. That's just lazy writting and highly offensive to the author who put in the time an effort to create this world. As for stoping it, if you come across a story and it seems as though you've read it before, inform the author who you think is be plagiarized. Let them approach this person and question them about their intentions. I had a young author start writing their own works based off mine. And while it was flattering to have my story inspire another, I was not overly thrilled with my world being used without my permission. In the end they took the story down and I offered to critique their work.

SM(Shrumein): In your opinion,what hardships an author faces while writing a story?

Megan: Oh, there are so many. My primary demands are writers block and my work schedule. It's very hard to write when you come home exhausted, but you have a good idea and not enough brain power to process it into words.

SM(Shrumein): What are your preferred genres for stories? And why?

Megan: I'm a sucker for Romance, any kind, it's an awful addiction. Next to that is Fantasy, Paranormal and Sci-fi, and all because the realm of possibilities are endless. Magic, hope, faith. It's so easy to make a world off these genres and so much fun to play with all the details.

SM(Shrumein): If you had to do it all over again,would you change anything in your book?

Megan: Minus a few grammatical tweaks here and there, I think the Black Knight is a perfect as is it's going to get. Though I'm sure I have a few readers that wish I would a certain love scene.

SM(Shrumein): Your story TBK features many strong willed personalities. Who were some of your role models for that?

Megan: That would be me. Or rather the me I wish I was.

SM(Shrumein): Can you rattle off a list of your main characters idiosyncrasies?

Megan: None that I can think of.  

SM(Shrumein): Are you an author who likes to interact with the readers?

Megan:  I love reading my readers comments and before I joined the Air Force I tried to answer or reply to all my readers, even if only to thank them for reading my works or following my stories. I strongly believe that one of an author's greatest treasure are their readers. 

SM(Shrumein): How do you think reading your book will impact people?  

Megan:  Honestly, if my story makes an impact on someone its purely accidental. I had no intention of writing for impact, I just wanted to read a story that didn't leave me wanting to throw the book across the room because the Hero/ Heroine was being an idiot...again. 

 SM(Shrumein):  What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?

Megan:  I guess still having such a great follower-ship,despite my poor update schedule, especially on Blackstone and Broken Things. Thankfully my poor readers are a very loyal sort. I must thank them for their pateients. 

SM(Shrumein): Any message for your followers?

Megan: To my readers, thank you all for not hunting me down and stoning me for taking so long to up. 

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