An interview with @Percabeth5599

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SM(Shrumein): Hi Nylla...Can you tell us something about yourself ?

Nylla: Hi I'm Nylla Camphry and I'm a short sixteen year old who is just about 5'0 feet with an incredibly loud personality. I tend to be a snotty know it all with a very sharp tongue. I have an ego that's probably larger than my height and despite falling on my face on a regular basis in front of tons of people because I'm clumsy and careless, it still hasn't managed to bruise.

I love reading, and I can finish a six hundred page book within three hours at most. My favorite genre happens to be young adult, may it be fantasy or romance. I listen to a variety of songs but my favorite genre is pop and my favorite artist is Taylor Swift.

I'm the ultimate fan-girl and I have a crush on tons of fictional boys but zero real ones.

SM(Shrumein): First of all congratulations for winning Wattys 2014 Three things you consider most important for winning Wattys?

Nylla: A lot of it depends on luck and how your book stands out from the rest, I suppose. 


Nylla:   I think it's a brilliant place to write, you can get feedback on your works and share all your ideas even he crazy ones. I'd never been very serious about writing to be honest and without Wattpad I wouldn't even have ever considered it. Now I get random ideas in my head all the time to write stories.

SM: What's easier for you to write: first person or third person?

Nylla: I'm okay with both, but first person gets really taxing and stressful to write at times because you have to put yourself in your characters shoes which almost always results in massive writer block during an emotional scene and such.

SM: Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what kind?

Nylla: I actually have a playlist for different genres. For romance books the songs are mostly Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran,etc.

For my fantasy books, its an array of soundtracks from TV shows and movies that just sound so cool.

SM: Your thoughts about plagiarism? Any suggestion to stop it.

Nylla: I find plagiarism sad actually. It's kind of pathetic that a person would go and just rip off another person's story word to word because they have no idea of their own. While on Wattpad this isn't a very big deal because you're not making profit or getting credit as such and all you need is a bunch of users to force them to delete the book, in the real world though there are very harsh consequences.

On Wattpad though if you are plagiarized report it immediately, trust me the admins are very efficient on this matter.

SM: What gave you the idea to write ROADTRIP TO LOVE?

Nylla:  My trip to Italy. It was a beautiful country that took my breath away. Unfortunately though instead of Blake, I had my mom for company.

I also just wanted to give a different take on love because most people aim for that happily ever after and the coveted forever and in search for that people often lose sight of what love is really about. How it makes you feel at that moment.

SM: Do you remember the first story you wrote, if so what was it about?

Nylla: Oh yeah, it was a very crappy House of Hades fan fiction which is the 4th book to the Heroes of Olympus Series.

SM: Who makes your covers? If anyone else does, do you suggest which pictures should be used or they select by themselves?

Nylla: Majority of he covers are made by me. I find that the author has a far better idea of what he or she wants because after all it is your book.

But there are those rare moments when you see an excellent designer and think that this person is going to do a great job, I just know it.

SM: Have you ever got Writer's block? If so, how you deal with it?

Nylla: I get it all the time. It's mostly just frustration with my writing and lack of inspiration. That's when I turn to my friends. They'll read the chapter I'm stuck on and tell me what they think about it and if its good or not. Their view really helps and gets me going again.

SM: If you would suggest any book on wattpad to your users, which would it be?

Nylla: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. I bawled all the way from chapter four to the end of the book and the last time I had cried was third grade.

SM: Who is the author who inspires you in real life?

Nylla: Hmm I'm not sure. I suppose it has to be Rick Riordan because his very very torturous cliffhanger at the end of Mark of Athena got me writing.

SM: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Nylla: I fluke it.

Till date I've never properly planned a book and followed it to a T. Although I have a basic idea that's all I have. I keep on adding new plots and twists in new chapters as I write them going eh, its future me's problem to solve it. Most of the times I find a solution and manage to somehow connect it so that it makes sense.

SM: What was one of the most surprising things you learned while creating your books?

Nylla: You can quite literally get ideas from anything. Just follow your gut and trust yourself.

SM: What do you thinks make a good story?

Nylla: You've written a good book when you connect with your readers. Whenever someone says they are crying or they are laughing out loud simply because the character is that means you have the ability to capture their emotions in your writing which according to me is the best quality. 


SM: What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?

Nylla: My biggest accomplishment is the fact that I've actually managed to do that. Like the pride I feel when someone messages me that they've changed their outlook on love because of road trip to love or they're crying because they understand what the character is going through I take that as the biggest compliment.

SM: Any message for your readers/followers?

Nylla: Your support means the world to me, without you guys I would be nowhere and my characters would still be a faint idea at the back of my mind because I would never had to guts to write about them.

Thank you so much for letting me do this interview it really was great and I'm honored you asked me.

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