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Its obviously not an ud....

Okay all i wanna tell you is my experience today, about my band audition. So it took about 1.30-2 hours of time to reach there by car. There, my band arrived first which made the organizer changed the schedule and were on the first. After approx 10 mins, my band goes un to the audition room. The room was cozy with wooden floor, amplifier (for sure), and yellow lamps. I love it, but its only a bit messy. You what guyz, i never play bass while standing, and, here, in the audition, i must play it while standing and gosshhhh, my left shoulder hurts. But nyehh forget it, it's only for an hour and bwehh its gone....

Before we start auditioning, my teacher took a pic of us and he went out, cz ya know, they dont let their teacher come inside. It may be called as cheating. Okay so in seconds afyer my teacher went out we start playing Night Changes by One Direction. In the middle of it, the drummers tempo is faster and i felt like oh no... My gosh, itll be ruinnn.... No no no no,.... We cant lost... So i tried to stabilize the tempo and finally it went well.

The second one is Its My Life by Bon Jovi. And yeahh, i really live that song since i joined the band... But idk what was seriously goin on that time, the drummers tempo isnt that stable enough, so yeahh, you can guess that my bass sounds awful tooo.... And the almost ending part, the vocalist forgot his lyrics that caude the three judges to lift their heads up. I felt so embarrass that time cz bass and drum are the ones who hold the tempo. So w/o any hesitation, i play in the E chord (back to the reff) and yeahh, thank God, its pretty well......

Ihihihihihihihihi,,,,, altho w/o the guitaris, we still can perform very well..... THANKYOU God its all bcz of You.....

Idky if my band (iGen) get into final / not.... Ill just tell you guyz asap.... Wish me luck guyz THANKYOU!!!! Mwahh!!!


Enough w the an.....,ikr i made it sooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooonnnnnngggggggggggg...... Sorry baes, i just really want to put all my feelings here....

Okay so next ud will be DO X IRENE ..... Make sure to stay tune, check it out, and dont forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SUGGEST, FOLLOW, and READING LIST!!!!!!



Ps. (Mianhaeee......)
Ive an idea about LuHan X (someone from RV).... But is it okay that i include Baby Lulu again, bcz ive promised that i wont include those 3 exEXOs anymore.... Tell me what you guyzz have in mind... But if no one tells me, ill just publish it and i dont guarantee that ill make Taos and Kris' too..... But if anyone says yes, ill publish LuHans and ill write Taos and Kris too.... See ya soon on DO X IRENE .....

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