Quick Description

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Being forced to travel the world with my brother.

Not something I'd ever thought I would have to ender.

Personally, I would much rather be at the gym all day, practicing, perfection routines.

I would even rather go through a session of *shudders* Coach Jeff's conditioning, than have to travel the world.

My parents choose to ignore me, they favor my brother, for some reason.

Although I am smarter, nicer, more athletic, and overall a better person, they prefer him.

But can I blame them?


Because everyone prefers him.

People don't seem to care about me.

All they do is make fun of my size.

Well, I'm sorry about they way I look.

Not everyone can be over 4'10".

Both my parents are short, you can't blame me.

"Why can't you be tall, like Brandon." They all say.

Well, it isn't my fault genetics hate me. Also, I am not male, males tend to be taller.

Now I have to travel the world with my brother, luckily we get along, kind of.

And now, let the worst months of my life begin.

So, this book is in desperate need of editing, that will be done after it is completely done.

I already have about 30 chapters written, however they need to be edited/basically rewritten, I changed the plot slightly(too bad it was a major change).

Some of this was written as long ago as December of 2014, it is now (almost)April of 2016, so this work needs major editing. Not only was the plot slightly changed, but character names(Logan's name was Derek, so if you see the name 'Derek' just politely correct me) and scenes were as well. So, some things may not make sense, that is why, they were not caught before I posted the chapter. Overall, I do love this story, it just needs work. But I suggest you give it a chance.
But I am very excited for this!

Thank you for reading, I hope you love this story as much as I do!

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