"prologue: no sexual contact"

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dear sir / madam

we are delighted to inform you that we have accepted your request to attend this years camp neptune this summer. we are looking forward to seeing you soon, but you must know some rules to our camp first.


one, no sexual contact with other campers and/or camp leaders.

two, no alcohol or drugs on camp grounds.

three, lights out is at 11pm every night, curfew is 10:30pm.

four, respect your camp leaders at all times.

five, respect their campers privacy and choices.

six, respect the camp grounds, eg no urinating in the forest.

seven, absolutely no fighting.

eight, participate in all activities, no missing activities unless you have talked to your cabin leader.

nine, if needed bring all medicine with you, and kept on you at all times just in case.

upon arrival, you will be given a pack of the rules and regulations and a laminate badge that will let you roam around the camp grounds as you wish.

we hope you enjoy your summer experience with us, make memories, new friends, and come back next year.

yours sincerely,

camp neptune


I'm so fucking pumped for this story when it's out. That should be after teach me is done!

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