I have a kid

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Ashley was sitting on the couch in the band's hotel room watching tv with the boys. All the sudden there was a knock at the door. Ashley got up and went for the door. " I got it guys. " He walked to the door and opened it. When he opened it, he saw no one on the hall. " Hello. Down here. " He looked down and saw a cute little girl with a light blue dress and long black hair that was pulled into a ponytail. She had a pink roller bag behind her.

" Hey there, little lady! What ya doing at my door? Selling cookies? " She shook her head and pulled a peice of paper out her bag. " Here. " " What's this? A fundr- " His eyes got as big as the globe itself. It was a birth certificate. And it had his name on it.
Along with one of his ex girlfriends name. " Um, can I come in? " Ashley nodded while still staring at the paper. " Oh my god. "

" What do you mean you have a kid?!" Andy yelled, shocked by what Ashley told him. " By this has to be a prank guys. I mean I've never had sex. At least I don't think I have. " Ashley looked at the kid and gasped.
" Kid, how old are you? " She looked at him and held up 6 fingers. " Awww, shit! Me and Rebecca did it six years ago and after that night I broke up with her. I must have gotten her pregnant. " " Congratulations, it's a girl. " CC said with a smirk on his face.

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