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Isae woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She rubbed her little light brown eyes and yawned as she stretched as far as she could. She threw the covers off of her and landed on the floor softly. Her little feet made small patting sounds on the wooden floor as she walked to her Daddy's room.

He was still asleep, covers tucked around him securely. She poked his hand and got nothing. She shook his arm, but still nothing. She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out of the bed but fell on her butt when her little hands couldn't keep a grip on him. She hugged herself and started to cry loudly.

Ashley shot up when he heard his daughter screaming and looked to where the sound was coming from.
" Isae! Are you okay, did you fall?! " When Isae heard her daddy's voice, she shot her head up and jumped into her daddy's arms. " I thought you were dead! I don't wanna lose you too! " Ashley hugged his daughter and kissed her head. " Shhhh. I'm here. It's alright. " Soon her crying died down and she looked up at him and smiled.

Ashley smiled as he watched his daughter played on the monkey bars. Isae had begged him to let her go to the park and how could he resist that cute little face? He saw something in the corner of his eye and turned to see what it was. " Hi, is it okay if I sit here? " A woman, around 22 with long brown hair and sparkling green eyes, was standing next to the bench Ashley was sitting on. " Sure. I don't mind doll. " She nodded and sat next to him.

" Hey, aren't you Ashley Purdy from Black veil brides? " He nodded and she smiled. " I love your songs. "
" Thanks. What's your name, doll? "
" It's Annemarie. Why are you here? "
He pointed at the Monkey bars and smiled. " My daughter is playing. " She looked at him and laughed. " You have a kid?! What, did you just find her on your doorstep? " " Yes actually. She had a birth certificate and everything she needed. Her mom died a few days ago. "

She stopped laughing and apologized. " I an so sorry. I didn't know. " " It's okay. I didn't know either. " They both smiled and talked some more until Isae came back and said she wanted to go home. But then she saw Annemarie. " Who is this Daddy? "
" Baby, this is Annemarie and she's gonna come over for dinner tommorow. Okay? " She nodded and glared at Annemarie.

" Wait Ashley, you need my phone number! " Ashley stopped and they swapped numbers. " Later Annemarie! " " Bye, Ashley! Bye Isae!"
She turned and gave Annemarie the
' Bitch I will cut you ' look. This is gonna be fun.

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