Dinner gone wrong

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Sorry for making this so long!

Isae was sitting on the couch with a grumpy look on her face. ' Why does Annemarie have to come over? I don't want her to talk to Daddy. He's mine! '
Just as she thought that, the doorbell rang. " I'm coming! " Ashley shouted as he ran down the hallway. He opened the door and there stood Annemarie. She had her hair up un a bun and makeup and a green dress on. " Wow, you look amazing. " Ashley said, breath taken by her beauty.

The first minutes of dinner were silent, but then a question popped up. And it was from Isae. " Do you like her Daddy? " Ashley nearly choked on his food. " No baby! I just thought it would be nice to invite a new friend over. " " Good, because I don't want her for a mommy. " Annemarie looked at Isae. " Why not? " Ashley was a little shocked at how easily she was taking this.

" Because you're going to take Daddy from me and than you're gonna have a baby and forget all about me! " She jumped out of her chair and ran to her room. " Isae! " Ashley got up and walked to Isae's room. He gently knocked on her door. " Isae? " No answer. " Isae? Are you in there? " Still no answer. He opened the door and saw that she wasn't anywhere in her room.

" We have to go! Now! " Ashley yelled. " Why? Is Isae okay? " " No, she's missing! " Annemarie gasped and got up from her chair. They exited the house and went to search for Isae.

Isae walked around in the park, angry at her Daddy, and at Annemarie.
" Why does Daddy want me to have another Mommy? I only have one Mommy and that's Mommy. " She sat down on the bench in the park and thought for a moment. " Maybe Daddy does like her and I should too. That's what I'll do! I'll say sorry and get this over with! " She got up and started to walk away, but then the wind picked up and it started to rain. " Uh oh. "

" Isae! Where are you, baby girl?! Oh Annemarie, where could she have gone? " Ashley said throughthe wind and rain. " I don't know, but we'll find her! I promise! " She hugged him and grabbed his hand, pulling him along.
" What's that up there? " She said pointing at the park bench. " Isae?! "
Ashley yelled, worried for the poor little girl wasn't moving.

They ran to the bench and Ashley picked up Isae's cold little body. " Isae, it's me baby girl wake up! " She didn't move. " Let's bring her back to the house! We'll all be safe there! " Annemarie said. He nodded and held Isae close as they walked back to his house.

Isae woke up feeling warm and cozy. She felt something soft wrapped around her. She sat up and saw that she was in her room, in her bed, at home. She looked around and saw her Daddy with his head in his hands. She put her hand on his head and shook him gently. " Daddy? Are you okay? " He shot his head up and smiled.

" I'm sorry, Daddy! " Isae cried as she hugged him around his neck. " It's okay. Just promise you won't do it again. You had me so worried. " She nodded her head and smiled. " You can marry Annemarie if you want. She could be my new mommy. " He smiled and patted her head. " If you say Baby girl. "

BVB x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora