Bed time

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It was 9 o'clock and Isae looked like she was getting tired. " Hey baby girl, you tired? " She nodded and stretched her tiny arms out for him to pick her up. He walked over to her from the couch and picked her up.

He tucked her in and kissed her on the head. " Daddy? " " Yes, baby? "
" Could you tell me a story? Mommy always did before I went to bed. " He nodded and sat on her bed. " Well, once upon a time, there was a princess who got lost in the woods. She cried and cried, but then a knight in shining armor appeared and brought her back home! And after he brought her back, they got married and lived happily ever after. The end. How was that for my first time? "

She giggled but then frowned. " What's wrong baby? " " In the story, is Mommy the princess and your the shiny knight? " Ashley felt like there was a lump in her throat. He nodded and kissed her on the cheek. " Sweet dreams Baby girl, love you. " " Love you too daddy. "

Ashley took off his pants and shirt and got in the bed. He felt like crying. How could he leave Rebecca after banging her?! What the hell is wrong with him? He got out of the bed and onto his knees and bowed his head down. " Dear God, Ashley here, I feel terrible for what I did to Rebecca and I'm hoping that she's happy up there. Isae is the best thing in my life and I want her to be happy. Please help me accomplish this. Amen. "

Before he got back in the bed, he heard whispering from Isae's room. He walked quietly to her room and creaked th door open a little. " Hi, it's me again. I'm really begging you this time, send me a friend. Maybe even an angel! The nicest angel you have. "
He closed her door and thought long and hard. ' A friend? Aren't I her friend? '

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