Chapter 9

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Misaki's POV

After seeing Akihiko-san at the bookstore I felt extremely guilty. First of all, I was reluctant enough to admit that I was technically in a relationship with Usagi-san... we had had a lot of sex... even if I didn't really enjoy it all. But it was still a relationship of sorts, so I couldn't cheat on him with his own brother.

Well, I reasoned with myself it wasn't cheating if he had only embraced me... I had only agreed to meet him to tell him to stop calling. Still, it was deceptive. I promised Haruhiko I would never see Akihiko again. However, was a promise really valid if he had hit me, and scared me into agreeing?

Haruhiko stopped really touching me since that. I was a bit bitter, but I was starting to see that he felt guilty. Haruhiko was always serious. He probably didn't know how to apologize.

Two nights ago he kissed me tenderly. It was sort of like after he had saved me from Sumi... but sweeter. I even started kissing him back. He started touching me... two guys doing this sort of thing was wrong, but my body didn't agree with that and started responding to his touch.

I knew Haruhiko wanted this, but still this man had hit me. Because of that, I made up some excuse and ran outside the room. He turned off the light, while I ran to the bathroom. I peed, but my erection was still there. Slowly, I started stroking myself. I bit back moans that tried to escape. This sensation felt so nice.

When Haruhiko had sex with me, he got more out of it than me, and he wasn't patient enough for me to enjoy him going from behind.

This was really feeling nice, but my hands were too dry. Under the sink there was a bottle of lotion. I lathered it on to my hands and started massaging my member. It felt so good. My knees began to buckle to the point that I had to sit down on the ground.

I leaned against the door and slid down, all the while still stroking my erection. I let my eyes slowly flutter shut and began thinking. Aside from my quiet moans, it was silent and I was completely alone. Images kept entering my head. I thought about Akihiko. He had only hugged me that night when he was here. Still, one idea kept coming to the front of my mind:
What if he hadn't stopped?

If his lips had met mine... if he'd kissed my neck... if he had kissed every inch of my chest... if he had licked my nipples.

I started squeezing my nipples and rubbing my stomach with both hands, giving my member a break. I wasn't even near getting soft. The thoughts in my head kept getting more perverse, making me bite my lip. In my head Akihiko was still playing with my nipples. I bit my lips some more, because once those words left my lips... it would be true.

Soon enough though, the pleasure I was giving myself had turned into a strong lust. I was fully giving into all that my body was asking for.

"Akihiko... Akihiko... Akihiko..." Throughout my moans and whimpers I started saying his name. My lips had been begging to say it, and it so naturally flowed from me, as if it was meant to be that way.

I had begun to grip myself again, and then I began massaging my jewels. It added to my pleasure so much more. I thought only of Akihiko and started going faster and faster until I suddenly burst. The milky liquid covered my hands and a little reached my belly. After that, I still felt a bit lightheaded and was breathing heavily, but I stood up and cleaned off. I washed my hands several times, trying to scrub off all evidence of this indulgence.

But that was two nights ago. Then Akihiko called. Haruhiko was at work. I promised never to see him again, but he said all those romantic things...

"...I can't think or write anything. My head's just been completely consumed with thoughts of you. I have barely eaten in days. All I can think about is you, Misaki. I know we've only just met, but when I watched you cry, I fell in love with you. I need you. Please, can we see each other?"

He has been thinking of me too. His voice was filled with such longing...

"Akihiko... Akihiko... Akihiko..."

I remembered my fantasy immediately... I longed for him and he had been longing for me. This was all wrong and he was right... we barely knew each other, why would I want him like this? Still, that didn't stop me, and I agreed.

And then, after he embraced me, I yelled at him and ran home... This was all too much. How could I forget about Haruhiko so easily? I needed to tell him everything.

I cooked dinner, probably the most I had put in dinner in weeks. I finally finished at 6pm, then set the table and sat down. Soon Haruhiko would arrive. I needed to tell him how he deserves happiness but I can't provide it to him...

I waited with the warm meal. Once I'd confessed to Haruhiko, I could be back with Akihiko. The wanting was boiling within me... In all my life I had never thought I'd ever be so attracted to a man, but it was pointless; my body no longer listened to reason and that was that.

A lot of time had passed. It seemed unusual, but maybe he was working late. That wasn't too unusual.

Finally he arrived home at about 8pm. Dinner was cold, but I had stayed there waiting for him. I ran to him and took his coat. He just looked at me, yet he didn't quite meet my gaze.

He didn't have his usual cold or serious expression. It was much more...


Alright... I think there are about three chapters left, but I don't know for sure... But Warning: Misaki is definitely going to need saving by the end of chapter ten. Question for you to answer in reviews: Tell me if you think Misaki sort of has it coming or not. I'm just a bit curious of what you think.

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