Chapter 1

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The door opened and it wasn't Takana holding the door. It was the most gorgeous brunet. I didn't notice it at first because he was bowing and apologizing.

"I'm so sorry if I kept you waiting. I was prepping the oven and got distracted."

His adorable voice was one thing, but then he lifted his head up. Those. Emerald. Eyes. The second they met mine, it was done. I was helpless, there was nothing I could do against it. I was his. I did my best to keep a cool disposition though. I was still getting over Takahiro. I was just on the brink of tears not even hour ago. It was only a month since he was married after all. Come to think of it, this kid looked familiar… something about him.

"Have we met before? What's your name?"

"Takahashi Misaki." He said it with a sweet smile as he took my bag and led me in.

"You're not by any chance related to a Takahashi Takahiro, are you?"

"Hai! He's my older brother. I'm so grateful to him, without his recommendation I wouldn't be living here now." He blushed a little, which was sort of confusing. What would be embarrassing about living here?

"Right, the best man at the wedding." I smirked as he looked up confused. "I was there for the toast. So if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here?"

He looked up and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well my brother arranged for me to have a job for me and it was working for Usami-san. I was his assistant, but then stuff happened and he doesn't want me to work anymore. He decided I'd just help with keeping the house for him. He's been really kind to me." I couldn't help but notice the kid talked like there was a gun in the back of his head. I know Haruhiko, he's not cruel, but people who know him would never speak so kindly about him. Something definitely was off, but I let it go.

I watched him start preparing rice and frying vegetables. He slowly started humming some song. He had a pretty enough voice, I liked listening until I realized what the song he was singing was. Of course it was Takahiro's wedding song.

I looked away as I muttered softly to myself, "God that song is so tiresome." I must not have been quiet enough because he stopped singing instantly. Then those emerald eyes looked back up at me.

"I'm sorry. I don't really like that song much myself. It was strange I heard it at my brother's wedding and then it seemed like it started playing on the radio more." He chuckled a bit, I couldn't help but smile as well. It was comforting enough to know that I wasn't the only one who realized that song was being played more lately.

"It's fine. So have you met my father?" I guess he had because he just looked over at some wooden bear carving and smiled.

"Yes. We met on a train once when I was late getting to work for Usami-san. I had to teach him how to use the train, and then we started bonding over the wooden bear carvings. Then I found out he's Usami-san's boss and father. I have to be honest, I was excited to hear I would be meeting you. All the members of your family have been so kind to me."

I just smiled and looked away. I was honestly just happy watching him cook all this food. He had prepared so many dishes. Whenever he turned around I examined how his shoulder length hair and slender frame made him look effeminate. Realistically, his face was effeminate too, but the fact that he had no breasts made it clear that he was a man.

"Wait, your name is Misaki." I hadn't meant to be so abrupt especially since we were just there in silence. But I couldn't help it. Aside from certain male characteristics he was a woman, to give the name Misaki just seemed too much. Like his whole existence was a running gag or something.

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