Chapter 10

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Normal POV

Haruhiko pushed Misaki away from him and went to sit on the living room couch. Normally, Haruhiko pulled him closer, misaki didn't know how to feel about this.

'Maybe he has grown tired of me.' Misaki thought hopefully.

Misaki stood at the side of the couch looking at Haruhiko. Even before he had grown afraid of Haruhiko he had never truly looked at him. As Haruhiko sat there lifelessly staring at nothing, Misaki couldn't take his eyes off of him. His eyes were a nice chestnut color, the way the lamplight was hitting them, they almost looked more of a caramel color. Lately his eyebrows were always furrowed in an angry way, but today they looked natural. They made his chiseled face look a bit rounder almost innocent.

His hair was long on his right side and had always been unevenly cut. But where it was shorter on the left side gray hairs had started to appear. 'Has he been this stressed because of me?' Misaki sighed and continued noticing all the contours of his jawline his broad shoulders. He was handsome enough, but Misaki didn't feel the same attraction as he felt for Akihiko. He smiled a bit even though he didn't want anything to do with Haruhiko he couldn't help but thank him. Maybe it was fate. He had to be here or he would have gone a lifetime without meeting Akihiko.

Minutes passed but finally Haruhiko moved. He started to take off his suit jacket and pants. He was only in his under shirt and boxers and socks. It showed off his muscles, but when did he work out?

Misaki continued to look at him waiting for him to speak.


"What about trains Usagi-san?"

"We met on a train... I thought that when I looked into your eyes something changed within me. I thought that I fell in love with you. I was right, but I now know for sure that loving you is only a curse."


"You failed to keep your promise and went to see Akihiko today. Don't bother denying it I saw it with my own eyes. At first I wanted to kill him, I had never felt so angry before. I pondered killing myself and letting you be happy with him.

Misaki ran to his side and hugged him. "I'd never want you to hurt yourself, let alone end your li-" His words were cut off by Haruhiko pushing him off the couch to the floor.

"I stopped myself. I wasn't solely upset with Akihiko. I'm not really angry with him at all. I honestly respect him. He always let me take his things when we were young. This shows he has actually become a man and would try to steal from me. I am only upset with you."

Haruhiko stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare himself a drink. Misaki was afraid at how calm Haruhiko was acting. Upset people aren't this calm. He couldn't help but follow him. He watched him pour the whiskey in the cup. He watched him raise the glass to his lips. He finished the whole glass in what seemed like 3 seconds. What happened next Misaki had not expected.

Haruhiko threw the glass at Misaki's arm and the throw was so hard and at such a close proximity The glass had cut through his sleeve and started making his arm bleed. Misaki cried out in pain and he fell to the floor. Haruhiko got the non-wounded arm and half carried and half dragged him to the upstairs bed. Misaki was still crying out in pain. Haruhiko called Tanaka in to help treat the injuries. Tanaka didn't even question it. He saw to Misaki's wounds.

"Thank you Sebastian."

Misaki barely whimpered the words out. Tanaka nodded but his eyes told Misaki to just keep his mouth shut. Haruhiko stared at Misaki.

"I'll be upset if you scar... no I'll welcome that. You will never forget that you're mine. But consider tonight... your training."

Tanaka had to carefully pull out the glass shards, disinfect, and stitch up the wounds... Misaki didn't like the needles going in and out and passed out. Tanaka left. Being a butler for the Usami family meant keeping men secrets. If he was ever fired he had a tell all book at the ready.

Misaki had been slipping in and out of sleep. Haruhiko stopped by a sex store on his way home. He had actually been to a few stores in the mall. He would make Misaki sexually, physically, emotionally, and mentally dependant.

Misaki started waking up as he felt a cool breeze down his back. He didn't realize he had been stripped. Misaki, however, did wake up when a lubricated, battery-powered, flesh colored vibrator was shoved inside his entrance. He screamed. "Usagi-san!"

Haruhiko kept pulling the vibrator in and out of him. Each thrust was slowly but he manged to build up enough momentum that it made Misaki scream each time. "I told you. I'm going to train you. The first lesson I'm going to teach you is to love my cock."

The Haruhiko Misaki used to know would never do something this far not even say cock... but Misaki was starting to realize that that Haruhiko was never coming back.

Haruhiko had been training Misaki for an hour. It stopped hurting. Misaki tried to resist, but he was starting to like it. He couldn't help it. He started moaning and even started drooling on the bed as he felt his penis harden and press against his stomach. He only faintly heard Haruhiko smirk as he pulled the vibrator out. He pulled misaki up and whispered against his neck as he started stroking Misaki's hardened member.

"Do you want me to stop... or are you starting to like this?"

Misaki didn't like the Idea of being trained, but he was starting to enjoy himself. He was so aroused he felt like a common street whore, but he didn't think and just nodded desperately.

"Usagi-san please don't stop... I feel like I'm going to burst..." Haruhiko nodded and laid him back down on the bed. He felt Misaki's member begin to pulse. He went faster and due Misaki's lack of control he burst all over himself and Haruhiko's hand.

The rest of that night Haruhiko aggressively thrashed Misakis entrance, but unlike before Misaki was starting to love every second. Haruhiko requested a month off. Being the boss's son and head of his department did have perks. The rest of the week Haruhiko pleasured Misaki. Soon Misaki was helpless against it. Akihiko never entered his mind. In this respect he was selfish. By the end of the first week he would suck Haruhiko three times in a row only to have Haruhiko reciprocate once. Misaki tried really hard to take care of Haruhiko. He made sure to scrub Haruhiko really well and clean him up really well. He was rewarded with fellatio as soon he finished drying Haruhiko. When Misaki cooked his meals he used the utmost diligence. Haruhiko rewarded him with anal sex accompanied with a hand job the second he finished the meal. Misaki didn't care that he was being completely taken advantage he just loved sex so much. He never thought he'd care so much about having orgasms, but he didn't care... he was like a rabbit.

Haruhiko kissed him on the seventh night before they slept.

"Now to make you love me."

A/N: So plplease please continue reviewing. I live only for all of your approval. Lol. Jk. Anyway. I am going to dedicate a chapter to each training segment. This was Sexual Training. Next is Physical. (Beware abusive) Then emotional and mental go together. So please be patient as always I am trying to shoot out chapters really fast.

My Brother's Ragdoll(Junjóu Romantica)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon