Chapter 4- Hogwarts

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Chapter 4


The train was awesome, it was bright red and had Hogwarts Express written across the front. Once we were on the train we all found an empty compartment and settled in, we shoved our bags on the rack and helped the four wizards with theirs. We started by asking the wizards about their lives, we already kind of knew about it from the folder Lady Hecate had given us. They explained about all their years at Hogwarts right up until now. They all got far away looks on their faces when they talked about all the people who had died, they looked a bit like we all did when we talked about our wars. Once they had told us their story they asked us about our lives, Hecate told us to pretend to be wizards so we told them that not much had happened in our lives we'd just gone to a wizarding school in America and then been exchanged here.

We started our own little conversations in groups and Hazel and I fell asleep together. After what seemed like five minutes we were roughly being shaken awake by Annabeth who was telling us that we needed to wake up because ewe were about to arrive. When the train stopped in the station, we hopped off and followed Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny to these weird carriages that were being pulled by these creepy looking horse things. Percy walked up to them and started to talk to one (in his head) and Leo asked him what they were whilst everyone nodded their heads wondering as well. The Wizards then noticed and Hermione said "You've seen someone die? Who?" Percy then looked very sorry and we all went very quiet, "Sorry I didn't mean to intrude." "Oh, it's Ok, just some bad memories." Percy mumbled. We all hopped into the carriage that took us up the long driveway to the castle. Annabeth and Leo were blabbing about architecture and mechanics whilst Percy was staring at Annabeth lovingly trying to decipher what she was talking about. Hermione jumped into Annabeth and Leo's conversation and the rest of us talked about what happened in a normal school year. We finally arrived at the castle and were ushered away by a woman in velvet robes who said she was called Professor McGonagal she led us to a huge arched doorway which she said led to the great hall.


Yippe! Another year of sorting boring first years who have done nothing interesting in their lives. I was sat on my stool when the first wave of first years came in, some of them were a lot taller and stronger looking than the rest, oh well. I started sorting and went through all of them but the taller ones. The first one was called up, Reyna. I was put on her head but she seemed to have such strong walls up I probed a bit deeper, she let down the walls. Oh my word, it was terrible, I screamed as loud as I thought was possible before fainting. When I woke up again I screamed out Gryffindor and was promptly placed on the next head. I didn't try to go deeper just asked if they had done anything near as much as the other one. When they replied "Yep all of us have been through bad stuff, Percy, Annabeth and Nico the worst." I ended up just screaming out "Don't put me on any of their heads, especially Percy, Annabeth and Nico. They're all in Gryffindor." McGonagal said you have to sort them but I refused so she had to put them in Gryffindor.


We went and sat at the red and gold table and waited for the food. After the head mistress finished her speech she said "Let the feast begin" and loads of food of all kinds, including mint humbugs, filled up the glistening trays in the middle of the table. There was even Greek, Italian and American food which I think was for our benefit. When we had all finished stuffing our face and Thalia and Percy had had an eating contest we set off to our dormitories or 'common rooms' as they called them. We stopped at this painting of a fat lady and she asked us for a password which, for some reason didn't surprise me. Hermione said "Aphrodite's Peacock" which made all us demigods laugh. We went in and there was a room with a fireplace and red and gold sofas and wallpaper. There were 3 doors leading off, one said girls, one said boys and one said guests in English, Latin and Greek. We went through the one that said guests which led to a separate common room which had doors for each of us but only one for Percy and Annabeth because they have to sleep together or they wake up screaming after what they went through in Tartarus. Though no one knows what they actually went through. We each went into our rooms and they are awesome. Designed especially for us by our godly parent. Oh my gods! I just realised that means Athena and Poseidon would have had to work together to make Percy and Annabeth's room!

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