The Deal

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You look at the clock and its 11:30 PM. You're eyes were starting to blur, so you decided to go to bed. you went to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, and put pajamas on and a sweatshirt because your room always got cold at night in the fall. You went to your bed and got under the covers and drifted into sleep. You woke up a few hours later from the sound of screaming. You got out of bed and charged into the living room to see your mom and sister being pulled out the window by a strange black figure with glowing eyes. you took your mom and sister's hands trying to pull them out of the figure's clutch. "its no use, its too strong." you said. Then, as you were tugging them your feet were lifting off the ground."Oh no! Hold on (y/n)!" (y/s/n) said. And soon enough the figure and the three of you were soaring through the dark starry sky. Then, a bright flash came over your eyes and then you saw trees everywhere and a big ocean. After awhile the figure finally started going towards the ground and dropped you guys in a clearing. "Finally that's over." you said while rubbing your hands. "Are you two alright?" Your mom asked." Yeah, yeah."you and your sister said. We all started looking around, " Uh ....where are we?" your sister asked. "I'm not sure, it seems familiar." You said. Then a British male voice came from behind you. "Well there you are, I was worried you weren't going to make it." You turned around to see a handsome boy dressed in brown and green. "Welcome to Neverland." He said. "Neverland, oh I remember I've been here in my dreams. " You whispered. "Welcome back (y/n)."He said. I looked at him and it all came back, "Peter?" "Wait you know each other?" Your mom asked. "Yeah we do." You said. "Why are we here?" You asked. "I wanted to see you again, so I told my shadow to bring you here, but, it accidentally brought your family." Peter said rubbing his neck. " Also I want to make a deal." " What?" "Stay here, on the island with me, and I'll safely bring your family home." "No, that's not fair. I won't let you take my baby!" your mother said. Peter went to your mother and said, " You won't huh, I'd like to see that." He plunged his hand in your mother's chest and she started screaming, then he pulled out her heart. " Mom, Oh My God!!!!!" you and (y/s/n) said. Before Peter started to crush her heart you yelled, " OKAY! I'll stay with you, I'll do what you want just please don't kill her." Peter looked at you and smiled. "Deal?" You asked. "Deal." He said. Peter then plunged your mother's heart back in her chest and with a wave of his hand your mom and sister were gone. Then, he started to go towards you until he was inches away. You looked in his dark blue-green eyes and he said, "Let's Play."

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