Baby Peter Pt. 2

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"Y/n." Peter said and hugged me. "Why did you ask Tink to turn you into an infant?" I questioned. "Well, I wanted to know how good you are with them, and you're amazing." "I still don't understand." "A few days ago, I started to sense another life on the island, and-" Peter then puts his hand on my tummy. "I'm-I'm pregnant?!" "Yeah."         


 Y/n's POV

"But, how is that possible?" I asked. "You see Y/n, time works differently on Neverland. Time still moves, but it moves at a much slower rate than it does in other realms. For example, a thousand years on Neverland would equal a month in the Enchanted Forest. Time still moves, yes, but it's so slow, it's basically as if time stands still." "The child will grow, but they will grow at a much slower rate, unless you went to one of the other realms, then they will grow according to the rules of that realm's time. I might have a way to help us." "I need the heart of the truest believer." He explains. "Do you know who it belongs to?" "Not exactly. I know what he looks like, but finding him will take time." "But I promise you, we will get his heart and we can be a family." Peter smiles.                                                                                                                                        

 ______Time Skip_______

We finally found the boy, his name is Henry Mills. It took some time and lots of persuasion, but Peter won. At least, we thought so. Henry's family got his heart from Pan and they were going to leave on Hook's ship. I got on with all of the others. I sat next to Felix, who was also disappointed that they've won.        

We were going to be in Storybrooke, Maine soon. Then that kid, Henry, came to us with bowls of stew. "Not hungry." I said. "Go away, boy." Felix said, without looking at him. "But I came to thank you." Henry said. Felix now looking at him said, "No matter what those other traitors do, I'm on Pan's side, and Pan-" "Never fails." Henry finished. Felix and I looked at him with confusion. "What?"  We both ask. "Peter Pan never fails. He can't be stopped. Even when they think he's defeated, when they think they've won, he finds a way." Henry said. "So you think your not safe?" I asked. "Oh no, i'm perfectly safe. During our struggle, my fate was sealed. The one who's in trouble, is Henry." "But, You're Henry." Felix said.  "Not anymore." Felix and I finally realized. "You..." I said, "You switched." Felix finished. "You sure you guys aren't hungry?" Pan asked. We both took the bowls from him. "Thank you, Pan." "Now, Let's Play."                                       ______Time Skip_______

A few days ago, Felix and I found the truth about Henry and Peter. And now, we are in Storybrooke. Everyone was suspicious about Pan controlling his shadow while in the box. So, half of them went to check on Regina, and the rest of them, me included, went to the town line to talk to 'Peter'. Emma stepped over the line and Rumple opened the box and set it down. Peter Pan appeared, he stood up and looked around, scared. "Mum?" He said. "What?" "I'm Henry, Pan, He switched our bodies!" He tried to defend. "No, he's lying. If he crosses this line, we're all dead." Rumple warned. "No, he's telling the truth." I confessed. "Ask him something only Henry would know." I suggest. "When's the first time we connected, not met but connected?" Emma asked. "My castle, right after you came to Storybrooke." He answered. "What did you tell me?" "that I knew why you gave me up, because you wanted to give me my best chance." Emma put the gun down and hugged Henry. "It is Henry." Henry then hugged Snow White and Prince Charming. It was adorable, but very strange to see my love, Peter Pan hug the people he was trying to get rid of. "So, if that's Henry, then where's Pan?" Charming wondered. We all head to Regina's vault. 

"Remember, Pan's still in my body. So, if you have to throw a fireball or something, at least avoid the face." Henry said. I chuckle. "What?" "Nothing. It's just, you don't know Peter like I do, but i'm imagining him saying something like that." I explained. As Rumple worked to unlock the vault, I look at Pet-Henry. He notices. "What?" "Sorry, it's just strange that you're Henry, but seeing Peter." "Oh." "Look Henry, i'm sorry about everything that happened, all that he has done. I wish it didn't turn out like this. A part of me wishes that he won, but the cost to win, or to lose was unfair. I don't want either of you to die." I explain. Henry looked at me with pity. "He means a lot to you, doesn't he?" "He saved my life and I saved his. You may not believe it, but i'm the only person he has opened his heart for, after he abandoned Rumple. Of course Felix is an exception, but what i'm trying to say-" Henry put his hand on my arm. "Hey. I understand." He smiled. Rumple had finally unlocked the door. They went inside, and gave us the 'all clear'. "I just hoped that he still wanted me to be his mother." "I still do." "Henry?" Henry hugged Regina. "Please tell me you didn't keep it down here." Rumple said. "Well, where else would I keep it?" "What, What did Pan take?" 

______Time Skip______

"He has the-" "Curse? That I do." Pan interrupted. We couldn't move. "Look at you all, a captive audience. I could play with you like a pack of dolls couldn't I?" He goes towards us. "I think I'll start with these two. " He looks at Baelfire and Belle. "Awe, you both look so adorable. Hard to pick which one to kill first." He glanced at me. "Oh, don't worry love." He stepped in front of me. "I'm dealing with some family business. Once they are gone, everything will be ours." He kissed my lips, but I was still frozen. "Let's see where was I? Oh, that's right, you two. " He moves back to Belle and Bae. "Which one should I kill first? Oooh, this is difficult. No it isn't." He points to Baelfire. "You first." Rumple pulled him back. "Stay away from them."  Rumple warns.  "How about this? The worm has teeth. What you're here to, protect your wuved ones?"Pan mocks. "I'm not going to let you touch either one of them." "Oh I'd like to see that." "Oh you will, because I have a job to finish. And I have to do it, whatever it takes." "That's nice but still, no magic." "I don't need it. You see, you may have lost your shadow, but there's one thing you're forgetting." "And what's that?" "So have I, and I sent it away with something to hide. " Rumple summoned his shadow and got his dagger. He held Pan against him as tightly as he could. "What Are You Doing?!" Pan struggled. "You see, the only way for you to die, is if we both die." Pan struggles even more. "And now, Now, I'm Ready!" Rumple plunges his dagger into the both of them. It's as if time slowed down. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. A bright light emerged from them, then they were gone. Pan's spell lifted, we were all unfrozen. Belle sunk down to the floor and cried. I dropped to my knees. I was shocked at the events that unfolded, a few stray tears falling from my face. Eventually everyone got ready for the impending curse. Emma and Henry got away in the yellow bug, the rest of us were transported to the Enchanted Forest. It all hit me at once. All of the memories that we had, how we met, falling in love, his death, our baby. I was so pissed. Some people noticed. "Y/n honey, are you okay?" Snow asked. I glared at them. "Okay? I'm NOT okay! I'm pissed!" I was breathing heavily. I wanted to scream , so I took the deepest breath and let it all out. My scream blasted everyone to fall on the ground. "What? How did you do that?" Regina asked. "That wasn't me, I-I don't have magic!" I defended. "But Pan does." Hook states. My baby has magic, not me. "Guys, I have something to tell you." "I'm pregnant." Everyone's eyes went wide. "I'm pregnant with Peter Pan's baby." "Oh, my God." Rumple and Charming said." "You mean, you and Pan-" Regina started to say. "Did Peter and I have sex? Yes. But that's not the point." I answer. "Jesus." Regina said. "Bloody Hell." Hook also said. "Why- How could you do, that with him?!" Charming asked. "Now's not the time to get into my backstory, okay?" I said. "Well, we will be here for you." Snow comforts. "Yeah you're not they only one. I guess we have the same type." Belle jokes. 

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