We meet again

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Ever since Pan died, I've been having nightmares about losing him. His death repeated on loop, over and over, every time I close my eyes.  Everyone else seems happy about what happened. Everyone except Belle, because she lost the love of her life as well. It's nice to know that some one understands me, and shares my pain. No one else understands me, not even my own father. I don't blame him though, he has had his own experiences working for Pan for a while. But, now that Pan's gone, I don't know what to do.

Now we have a new problem, with Emma sacrificing herself to become the dark one and apparently turning my dad into one as well. I get why she did it though, to save him from dying. I would have done the same thing too if I had the chance to. And now we are all here, watching Hook give Emma Excalibur and begging her to sacrifice himself to get rid of the darkness. Snow is holding me as I watch the last person I really trust and love get impaled by the sword. Tears fill my eyes and proceeds to fall down my face as all of my hope fades with them. Emma turns back to her normal self and goes to be comforted by her parents as I go to dad, yelling and begging him to come back because he was all I had left. Regina starts pulling me back as I cry in her arms.

"No." "I won't lose Killian." Emma said. "How would we get him back?" I asked. "The Underworld." Said Rumple. "How do you know?" Emma asks. "He died a dark one miss Swan, which means he has unfinished business. Rumple explains. "How do you suppose we get there?" asks Regina. "I've been there, my blood can summon the fairy." Rumple answers. "Well, what are you waiting for?" I say. Rumple hesitates and pulls out a knife, cut his hand and then drops his blood in the lake. A couple of seconds later a fog rolls in as a small black boat comes toward us. We all get in and head towards the Underworld.


"Storybrooke?" asks Regina. "How is this possible?" Emma asks. "Your questions are pointless, all that matters are these people in this underworld are dead and trapped because they have unfinished business." Rumple explains. "Let's split up, cover more ground." Emma suggests. "Agreed, the sooner we get out of here the better." Regina says. " I'm going to go to my shop to see if I can find something useful." Rumple says. 


"There you are....was that my brother?" David asks. "Yeah." replied Snow. "Found anything?" Emma asks. "No sign of him." Snow says. "Perhaps I can be of assistance, this is the way to find your deceased pirate." says Rumple while holding up the bottle. "Got it from my dear old dad, it will let you communicate with the dead, pour this over Hook's grave and you can ask him where he is." He explains. 

"Wait, Pan is here?" I ask. "Apparently he runs my shop down here." says Rumple. "I have to go see him." I say starting to head towards the shop. "Wait, we are almost there." Emma interferes. "No! What you felt when my dad died was the same feeling when I watched Pan die. I know you guys don't like him, but I do. I need to see him again." "Find my father.  At least let me say goodbye." I said.


I head toward Gold's shop and walk in. The place is filled with nic-nacs, but no one in sight. "Hello?" I asked. No one replies. I walk around the room and look at all of the objects. I stopped and found Pan's flute and I think of him and smile. "(Y/n)?" A voice broke the silence. A voice I never thought I'd hear again. I turned around to see the love of my life come closer to me in shock. He smiled as I ran to embrace him. "I never thought I'd see you again!" "Oh love, I missed you so much." I backed away a little to look at him. I couldn't bear to let go in the fear that he might disappear. "I missed you too Peter." He moved to cup his hand on my cheek. Then realization hits him. "Are you...dead?" "No, i'm alive. my father died and we're here to get him back." I explain. "Oh." Pan said as he dropped his hand. "I wish I could bring you with me. It's just not fair." "I promise you love, I will find a way." Peter grabbed my face and pulled me into a loving kiss. When he pulled a way I said "Peter Pan never fails, right?" He smiled. "Right."


"Hades needs our help (Y/n)." Emma says. "Why, what's happened?" "Rumplestlitskin and Pan kidnapped Zelena." "Come on." Emma says as we get through the back door of Granny's. 

"Don't move, except to rip up that contract." Rumple said.  Hades proceeds to rip up the contract. "There." "Now give her back." Hades says. "We will, but we didn't say anything about her heart now did we?" "You see my body is ready to walk the earth again, except one thing, a living heart, so if you don't mind." Pan goes to rip Zelena's heart out. Emma comes out and blasts Pan with magic. "You got what you wanted, which makes me wonder why you're still here." Emma says. "Yes, suppose you have a point." Rumple says before he teleports in a cloud of smoke. "Rumple!" "Looks like your little boy got what he wanted." "I don't think you'll be so lucky." Emma warned.  Peter then teleported as well.

  Peter then teleported as well

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I went to Pan's shop after what happened. "Peter?" I asked as I came in. "Y/n? What's wrong?" Peter asked. "I overheard what happened at Granny's. You need a heart?" Yes, it's true. I'm sick of this place. I miss the world above, I miss you." Peter says. "What if I split my heart." "If it works we both can go back, if it doesn't at least I'll be here with you." "Are you sure about this, love?" "Of course i am." "Okay. This will hurt a bit." Peter plunges his hand into my chest and pulls out my heart. "Arggghhh." "I'm sorry. Are you ready?" Peter asks worryingly. I nod. He twists my heart and proceeds to split it while I try and hold back a scream. "It worked!" Pan said as he gives me both halves. I put one half in my chest and the other in his. Peter backed away for a moment, getting used to the sensation. A tear came down his face as he went to kiss me again. "Thank you (Y/n)." "Let's go home." I say.

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