Baby Peter Pt. 3

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Disclaimer: Labor  (It's pretty PG though)  and some Rum-belle (dialogue used from S.5 Ep.16) This is the longest one I've done so far, over 3000 words. 

Song mentioned: Rockabye by Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie

In Storybrooke

I am four months pregnant and Snow is two months. It has been almost five months since Peter Pan died. Rumple came back somehow, and i'm a little bitter about that. All that aside, Snow, Belle, and Emma have been very supportive and we all have gotten super close. Knowing that they are here for me, makes me feel much better. But now we are dealing with another problem, a Wicked Witch, which is just great for me. I'm fine, i'm -i'm good.

-------Five Months Later-------

"If that Witch Bitch goes anywhere near my child, I will kill her." I said. "Why does she want a baby?" Emma asked. "I don't know!" Regina said. "I'm so stressed, I need ice cream." I go to get f/f ice cream. I take it out and put it on the counter. I grab a bowl and a spoon, and I get a 'healthy' portion of ice cream, then I start going to town. Snow comes in and asks what's going on. They fill her in and she sees me, "Oooh, can I have some?" She asks. "Sure." I say while licking the spoon. She gets a bowl and spoon and also grabs a 'healthy' portion. "Come on girls, focus." Regina says annoyed. "Uhuh, yeah, i'm listening." I say, still more interested in the frozen treat. "So, let's see what we are dealing with, we are dealing with two heavily pregnant women and a revenge seeking witch, that may steal one of your babies." "Regina, we know this already! What we don't know, is why she wants to steal a baby, and how to stop her." Emma counters. "You know what I think." I say with a mouthful of ice cream. "If she tries to take my child, they'll probably blast her away. I mean, why does she want a baby? She wouldn't kill them, that would be excessive. I don't want to be part of this, things were so much better in Neverland. I mean i'm hungry all the time, I need to pee every ten minutes, I can't see my feet, and my back is sore! By the look of things this 'water balloon's' about to pop any-" Suddenly I feel a sharp pain. "Are you okay?" Snow asked putting the dirty dishes in the sink. I was going to answer when water gushed on the floor. I looked at them and said, "The water balloon just popped." Emma held on to me as we head out the door, heading to the hospital. Before we left she told Snow to get Belle to meet us there. "Deep breaths Y/n." She kept telling me. We finally got there and I felt another contraction as Emma alerted a nurse. I was put into a wheel chair and was rolled into a room. The nurses put me on the bed and one put an IV in my arm. They checked my vitals and how close my contractions were. The contractions were getting closer and closer together, Emma helping me through them. Belle came in. "Hey, how are you doing?" She asks. "I'm scared. I don't know if i'm strong enough to do this." I admit. "You can do this." Belle reassures. "Yeah, listen, if you can deal with Pan, You can have his baby." Emma said. I felt a little better, taking deep breaths. We were there for five hours as the nurses kept checking the closeness of the contractions. One of them gave me an epidural. "Okay your at seven centimeters, I'll get Doctor Whale." A nurse said. An hour later, Doctor Whale came in. "Hello Y/n." He greeted. "How many centimeters is she at?" He asked the nurse. "Almost nine."  "Alright, Keep taking deep breaths, Y/n, we will start pushing when you get to ten centimeters, so we're almost there." Dr. Whale informs. I nod and take deep breaths. Emma talks to me to try and let time pass quicker. "Could you imagine doing this on Neverland." She jokes. "Oh god, the boys would be horrified!" Emma and I laughed. Dr. Whale and the nurses keep checking my vitals and my contractions. "Okay Y/n, it's time to start pushing." He informed me. I hold Emma's hand. "Okay, deep breath in.  One, two, three, push!" Whale instructs. I push as long as I could. "Great, You're doing great. Deep breath, and push." He instructs. I do so, focusing all of my energy in pushing. Emma tells me how well i'm doing. I keep pushing. Time passes by as I keep doing a rhythm: breath, push, breath, push, breath, push. "I can see the head, keep pushing." At this point I push as hard as I could, trying to get this kid out. Emma's hand is being crushed, luckily she didn't mind. "A couple more pushes!" I let out screams as I pushed. Lights started to flicker and- "You did it!" Dr. Whale praised. I fall back on the bed to catch my breath.  A cry filled the room, "It's a boy!" A nurse informed. They cleaned my son and Dr. Whale checked my vitals. I let go of Emma's hand, it had marks of where my nails dug into her skin. "Sorry Emma." "It's okay." The nurse came back with my son bundled up in a blue and white blanket, and put him in my arms.

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