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"Sohyeon? Kim Sohyeon?!" I say seeing one of my childhood friends. I've know her since elementary, but she left for Japan with her parents a year into middle school. She was my best friend at the time. I was devastated when she left. I haven't seen her since...

"You know her?" Hee young whispers

"Oppa! I would have called you first but I didn't know your number. I heard you were going to be here so I decided to come!" She says smiling

Hugging her I nod. I haven't talked to her since elementary...I can't believe she even remembered me.

"Where's the rest of bts? I really want to meet Suga and Rap Monster!" She says linking arms.

Looking over at Hee Young i mouth the words sorry. She simply smiles and waves it off

"You guys probably have a lot to catch up on. So I'll be on my way. It was nice to see you today Jungkook" she says tapping my shoulder before waving goodbye and walking towards the room with everyone else.


Finally....that annoying girl is gone.

Who does she think she is? "It was nice meeting you today Jungkook" she better yet just wear a shirt saying she wants his attention.

Gosh..girls these days.

-Hee Young-

Walking into the room everyone was there.Well except Jungkook of course...

"Hee young. What do you want to eat? Chicken or Pizza?" JB asks me

"Mhm...Chicken!" I say excitedly

"Everyone she said Chicken! Let's go!" JB yelled leaving the room followed by everyone else.

"Good choice" Jimin says patting me on the back as if I won a race of somesort.


"So how did you even know I was going to be here?" I ask a little bit uncomfortable with her at the moment.

"I have my ways" she says laughing


"Kookie! We're going out for chicken!" Rap monster says walking out with everyone including Hee Young.

"Oh you must be Rap Monster!" Sohyeon says waving

Oh my gosh.....

"Oh are you Jungkook's friend? It's nice to meet you" Rap monster says smiling

"Shall we go?" JB says

"Wait. You guys are going to get fried chicken? Seriously? Don't you guys have a little more money to all east afford some beef? I mean chicken...." Sohyeon says linking our arm again

Oh my god....please stop

-Hee Young-

"Drama queen much" i whisper to Mark after Sohyeon's little freak out

"Ugh. Now this is why we never talked after middle school" Jungkook says shaking his head before walking out after her.

"Let's go" Mark says pushing me towards the door


Entering the restaurant it's surprisingly only us. We'll they probably called the restaurant in advance telling them...

"I'll be back, just give me a minute" i say to everyone

Walking up to the cashier i smile "I'll pay for everything they order, just put it all on this card" i whisper and the cashier nods


Soon after we order we get our food. Since everyone is already starving we all just dive in. Well except for Sohyeon....was she always like this?

Looking over to Hee Young she's laughing over something Jimin said with a mouthful of chicken. Looking down at my lap i cant help but smile at how cute she looks.

-Hee Young-

Looking over at Jungkook he's talking to Mark about something. Looking back down at my plate i cant help but smile a little to myself.

"Why are you smiling?" Jin asks

"Hm? Oh uh it's nothing" i say going back to my chicken

"Mhmm" Jin says obviously not believing me.

Shit did he see me? No way.....he didn't.


"Now for the best part of the meal. Who's going to pay?" V says waving a chicken drumstick around the table

Smiling i shake my head. Could they really eat that much? Aish....why did I volunteer to pay for this....

"Why don't we do the famous. Rock paper scissors!" V says standing up

"Okay but Hee Young and Sohyeon shouldn't pay since they're our guests"

"Okay. Park Hee Young, Kim Sohyeon. Disqualified!" V says as if he was on Running man or something.

Smiling i laugh as everyone gets up


"Gaahhhhh!!" I yell dropping to my knees in defeat. How could I ever pay this off? Sighing i get up and walking over to the cashier

"How much?" I ask pulling out my wallet

"Seems like your lucky day. It's all ready been payed off"

"Omo. You guys really don't need to do this. It's really too-"

"Haha.. my parents aren't that nice. The girl in the maroon sweatshirt payed it off even before you guys ate. She's really nice, you guys ate a lot"

"Oh...I see... thank you for the meal it was delicious!" I say smiling

Putting away my wallet i walk back to the table

"Good job, it must have costed a fortun" Jackson says patting my back.

"Surprisingly...it wasn't as big as i expected" i say looking over at Hee Young, she smiles.

Smiling back i mouth the words thank you


After eating we all parted our ways. Got7 back to JYP, Sohyeon back to her hotel and Hee Young back to her apartment.

A van came to bring us back to Big Hit. Pulling out my phone i look for Hee Youngs contact

Biting my lip I try not to smile as i look at her picture

How is this even possible? I've never seen someone so cute, sexy and beautiful at the same time.

I should text her...

Thank you for saving me today. We should go out to eat sometime, this time I'll pay ^w^

Looking at the text I sigh and quickly delete it. Aish...... why am I so bad at this?

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