1. Irresistible

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A/N: Okay now the first part of this chapter belongs to ABC, the scene is from May 9th 2013 when SOnny was filling Olivia in on Morgan. I changed it up a little bit but mosr of teh first half is all ABC content, just barrowing for the fanfic I do  ot take credit for it.

Enjoy & Review!


Olivia stood there in Sonny’s office that afternoon. She was listening to him fill her in on what they knew about Morgan. “Yeah I got Shawn and other guys looking and Michael is working his angle.” He was saying. She stood there watching his every move, he was so mesmerizing. Ever since she had her visit with Johnny the day before Olivia couldn’t stop thinking about Sonny and what Johnny had said. No there was nothing going on between the two of them even if they were both alone. Her eyes stayed glued to him as he got up from his chair and poured her a cup of coffee

“Michael is reaching out to some cyber geek guy.” He said handing her the cup.

“Thanks.” She replied.

 “You’re welcome.” He said walking back around his desk.

She watched him take a seat again, “So you’re gonna track who’s ever hurting Morgan from the inside?” she asked.

“Well, that’s the idea but like I said I got Shawn and other guys working on it.” Olivia nodded knowing that he wouldn’t give her any more information no matter how hard she pressed him.

“But you know there is someone I haven’t tapped yet.” He said gazing directly into her eyes. “Who?” She asked her voice shaky

“You” He said his tone rough.

 Olivia felt her heart speed up, what did he mean? She didn’t know anything about his son. Unless, she thought her fingers began to tremble, he meant something else. Sonny stood up and walked around his desk toward her, Olivia stood up too.

“I’ve got this on my mind and I really need you to do this for me.” He said.

“Sonny, if you want me to use one of my visions to find out where Morgan it doesn’t work like that.” She said raising her hand up putting a clear distance between them. 

“No, I need you to go talk to Johnny.” He told her.

 “Johnny?” she gasped.

“I’d do it myself but I don’t think he’s gonna give me anything. You two were close.”

 Olivia watched as his mouth continued to move, she knew he was talking but she had no idea what he was saying. She felt like she was in some kind of trance. She stared at him, her knees began to get weak, she had to stop this, now.

“Sonny, I already went to see Johnny.” She blurted.


“When you and Shawn were looking for Morgan” She explained.

 Sonny sighed, “Okay, go back and get some more information.” He ordered.

“I really think that well is dry. Besides if I go back there all he’s gonna do is give me more grief about my relationship with you.” She said.

Sonny stared at her; he could tell she was nervous. He walked back to his desk,

 “He’s giving you a hard time about your relationship with me? What does he think there’s something going on?” he demanded to know.

 Olivia put her hands up in the air, “He’s got this crazy idea that I’m falling for you again.”

Olivia saw the smirk on his face,

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