11. Because of You

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"You're pregnant Liv." Connie said.

Olivia stood there processing what Connie had just told her. "No" She whispered "that can't be."

"Olivia, everything you just told Elizabeth points to a pregnancy."

"No, I'm not pregnant it's not possible."

"First of all I wanna know who the father is but I think I have a pretty good guess." Connie said placing her hands on her hips.

"There is no father Connie, because there is no baby!" Olivia shouted.

"Okay, calm down and listen to me. Here's what we're gonna do." Connie said putting her hands firmly on Olivia's shoulders. "Elizabeth is going to come back in here and we're gonna have some tests done."

"No, I just wanna go home." Olivia said grabbing her purse and leaving the room.

"Liv" Connie huffed following her cousin.

Connie caught up with Olivia at the exit doors, "Liv wait."

"What Connie?" Olivia snapped glaring at Connie.

"If you won't have them test you here then at least get a home pregnancy test done/ I'll be with you the whole time." Connie said.

Olivia took in a deep breathy, "Okay if it will get you off my back."

"Yes it will." "Alright then I guess we should go get a test." Olivia said.

A while later Connie sat on Olivia's couch in her apartment waiting. Olivia was in the bathroom with the test.

"Okay now we wait." Olivia said coming into the living room.

"Everything go okay?" Connie asked.

"I guess so." Olivia replied sitting on the couch with Connie.

"Liv, if the test is positive then what are you gonna do?"

"Connie, let's just assume for now that I'm not pregnant and it's something else."

"Olivia you have to realize that there is a chance you could be preg-"

Olivia cut her off, "Stop saying that!"

"I'm sorry, it's just hard to believe."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, it was just . . . "


Connie sighed, "You and Sonny all over again."

"No, Sonny and I are not an item understand?'

"Whatever you say Liv." Connie laughed walking to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?' Olivia asked.

"I'm starving; do you have anything to eat?"

"Help yourself, I'm not sure what's in there I've not been hungry at all." Olivia told her.

"Now that part is odd with the whole pregnancy thing but I guess it could just be the morning sickness stuff." Connie said opening a cabinet.

"I'm not pregnant!" Olivia screamed.

"Oh come on Liv, you might finally get a little girl." Connie said smiling.

"I'm fine with Dante, I like the way things are with my son. Nothing has to change." Olivia said.

"Just give that test a few more minutes and your life will change." Connie said pouring a bowl of cereal.

"Will you shut up about the damn test!" Olivia hissed.

"Hmm your feistier than usual . . . hormones." Connie joked.

"Connie I'm gonna kill you." Olivia stood up and glared at her cousin.

"I see Sonny's line of work is wearing off on you." Connie laughed taking a bite of her cereal.

"I'm gonna go check the test so we can put this nightmare to an end." Olivia said walking to the bathroom.

She closed the door behind her before glancing at the test. Her eyes widened as she saw what it said. Olivia pulled the door open and ran back to the living room. Connie was now on the couch again.

"Connie!" Olivia shirked.

"Whoa, what did it say?" Connie asked.

"It was positive." Olivia said just above a whisper.

Connie saw the fear in her cousins dark eyes, She got up and went to hug her, "Liv it's going to be okay."

Olivia pulled away, "How can you say that? You're not the one carrying a mobster's baby!" the tears sprang to Olivia's eyes.

"No I'm not but I will stand by you through this whole thing."

"Damn Corinthos." Olivia cursed. "Why is it that out of all the men I've slept with his sperm is the-"

Connie put her hands up, "Okay! That's enough please don't finish that sentence!" She begged.

"I'm sorry, but honey don't you think it's strange?"

"Yes I do think it's rather odd but I really don't want to have this conversation." Connie said crossing her arms.

"You're right, I forgot about you and Sonny." Olivia said sitting on the couch.

"It's okay Liv now you have an even bigger problem on your hands."

"I'm pregnant" Olivia said.

"Yes and" Connie pressed

"And what?" Olivia questioned puzzled.

"You've got to tell Sonny."

"What? Hell no! He's never going to find out that it's his." Olivia exclaimed flying off the couch.

"Olivia, you haven't exactly been very social since . . . "

"How do you know? Maybe there was someone after Sonny."

"Oh no, I was part pf your lies with Dante but this baby is not going to have the same life as your son did." Connie said.

"Connie, I can't tell Sonny." Olivia glared,

"Yes you can, you can't hide this baby from him you both live in the same place."

"Not if one of us leaves Port Charles."

"Well I know Sonny won't go anywhere."

"Then I'll leave."

"And just where will you go?"

"I'll go back to Bensonhurst."

"After everything you did to get out of there you'd just go back?"

"There's nothing keeping me here anymore."

"Dante and Lulu"

"Dante and Lulu are grown married adults. They could come visit me."

"Olivia, I'm not buying this."

"Really? I think I'm selling it pretty well."

"I think you're scared and that's why you're running."

Connie watched as Olivia's eyes became darker, she knew that here cousin was defiantly scared.

"Why would I be scared? I raised one child on my own a second one wouldn't hurt/"

"But that's not what you want is it? You want Sonny to be a part of this baby's life."

"Connie, Sonny is never going to find out that this baby is his and you are going to help me."

"I'm sorry Olivia but I can't lie to Sonny, especially about something like this." Connie sad her tone bitter.

"Connie please! If you won't do it for me then do it for this baby." Olivia pleaded.

"No, that baby needs to grow up with both parents. I'm sorry Liv but I won't lie for you." Connie said and left the apartment.

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