7. More Than Just Friends

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A/N: The reason this story gets updated more than others is becasue it is pre-typed and has been for months now. So I'mm not working on anything right now so I will not tollorate negative comments on this story any longer. The Young & the Restless stories will be updated soon but keep in mind i am no longer watching Y&R. 

Enjoy! :) 


Carly pulled up to Sonny’s house early the next morning with Sam. They had located Morgan and Michael was on his way to get him.

“Who’s; car is that?” Sam asked.

“I don’t know.” Carly replied parking her own car.

The two of them got out and walked to the other car parked in front of them. Carly peaked in through the driver side window,

“It’s Olivia’s.” She told Sam.

“What would she be doing here this early?” Sam asked.

Carly stood there thinking about what she had witnessed in Sonny’s office days before. She hadn’t wasted much time on the thought of Sonny and Olivia together again but now that Olivia was at Sonny’s at 6:00 in the morning it was all very clear. Sam noticed the strange look that appeared on Carly’s face.

“Is something wrong?”

“I know why Olivia is here.” Carly said. ‘


“She’s hooking up with Sonny.”

“No, I don’t believe it. I thought she swore never to do that again?”

“So did I until a few days ago.” Carly said walking to the front door.

“What happened a few days ago?” Sam asked running behind her.

Carly turned to face her, “I caught Sonny on Olivia in his office.”

“Wait,” Sam gasped “So you’re saying you actually caught them in the act?”

“A lite bit yeah.” Carly said unlocking the door. “But you know what pissed me off the most?”

“No, what?” Sam asked following Carly into the house.

“The fact that he was banging her when our son was in serious danger.” Carly explained.

“Yeah that’s not right.” Sam agreed.

The two women stopped when they saw the trail of clothing leading up the stairs.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Carly snarled.

“Maybe they still think it’s high school.” Sam joked.

“Yeah well it’s time to grow up.” Carly huffed marching up the stairs. “Sonny!”

            Olivia’s eyes fluttered open when she heard a doo slam. Her eyes widened once she realized she was in Sonny’s bed. Olivia rolled over, surprised to see Sonny awake staring at her.

“Well good morning” He said smiling.

“What the hell am I doing here?” She asked.

“Oh please not this again.” Sonny said.

“I know I’m just messing with you Corinthos.” She giggled.

“You’re a real peace of work Olivia you know that?”

“Yeah I’ve been told.”

Sonny put his arm around Olivia and she snuggled into him.

“You’re freezing Liv.” He said.

“Well maybe your house is just too damn cold.” She pointed out.

“I can take care of that.” He said pulling the blanket tighter around them.

            “Carly wait.” Sam hissed following her up the stair.s

“What?” Carly asked spinning around.

“You can’t just barge in there it’s rude.”

“Sam, we found Morgan. Sonny needs to know.” Carly turned and headed to Sonny’s master bedroom with Sam close behind her.

The door was unlocked so Carly shoved it open.

“What the hell!” Sonny shouted once Carly and Sam barged in.

He was on the bed with Olivia in his arms.

“Oh my gosh it is true!” Sam exclaimed.

“Would I lie about something like this?” Carly questioned.

“You told her?” Sonny asked Carly.

“No not exactly” Carly began.

“You had to bring her over here so she could see for herself?” He demanded.

“No, I didn’t even know Olivia was here! I came here because Michael found Morgan!” Carly yelled.

“What? Where?” Sonny gasped.

“He’s fine; Michael is on his way to get him now. He was staying with his girlfriend.” Carly said.

“Morgan has a girlfriend?” Sonny asked.

“I guess so but your too busy with your own girlfriend to pay attention/” Carly spat.

“Okay okay, Carly calm down. Olivia is not my girlfriend.” Sonny stated.

“Well then what is she?” Carly questioned.

“His friend with benefits” Sam laughed.

“No she’s neither. Now both of you shut up!” Sonny growled.

“We’re on our way to meet the boys at the airport if you want to join us.’ Carly said.

“Yeah just give me a few and I’ll come with you.” Sonny told them.

“We’ll be downstairs waiting.” Sam said.

After they left Sonny looked down at Olivia, she looked horrified.

“Liv?” He asked ‘

”What am I?’ She asked

“What do you mean what are you?”

“If I’m not your friend with benefits and I’m not your girlfriend then what am I?”

“You can be whatever you want to be Olivia.”

“Sonny’ she began her voice trembling.


“We’re just friends right?”

“Well yeah for now.”

“I wanna be so much more than just your friend.” She whispered.

“And I want you to be that too.” Sonny agreed leaning in to kiss her,

His hands began to tangle in her hair.

 “Sonny” She breathed.


“You’ve gotta go Carly and Sam are waiting downstairs” She reminded him.

“Screw Carly and Sam” He growled against her lips.

“Your sons are waiting on you.” She tried again.

“Oh alright.” He huffed getting up. “But I will be back.”

“I’ll be right here.” She said smiling up at him. 

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