8. BabyDoll

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A/N: Oh this story has been on my computer for years and I just forgot it wasn't updated on here. It has a total of 27 chapters as of right now. It is still not finished but I will finish it someday.

After Sonny had left Olivia snuck downstairs and collected all of her clothes. She showered and then got dressed. What the hell was she doing with her life? She wasn't fifteen anymore. As she walked the halls of the giant Corinthos house she began to daydream. She wondered what her life would've been like if she had stayed with Sonny. She often thought back to that night of their very last fight. How she screamed at him for putting his life in danger. Then how he kissed her, but the thing that haunted Olivia the most was when she ounched Sonny. She had never done anything like that in her life. Growing up she was raised to be a lady until she met Sonny the first day of school.

They had instantly hit it off. Becoming best friends all through grade school. Once junior high came around their feelings for each other began to change. Olivia started to see Sonny as a man, a very good looking strong man. As for Sonny he just saw Olivia is the pretty little good girl he was going to take advantage of one day. But that was ony the beginning of their complicated relationship.

Connie moved to town when Sonny and Olivia began dating their first year of high school. Olivia loved her cousin but once she realized her cousin had feelings for Sonny, Olivia did everything she could to hold onto Sonny. Even if that meant losing her virginity.

Olivia was brought back to reality by a knock on the door. She jumped, not knowing what to do since it wasn't even her house.

"Sonny!" Connie's voice called from outside.

"Oh no" Olivia gasped.

Connie couldn't catch her alone in Sonny's house. Olivia had to act quickly. She ran up the stairs and hid in the master bedroom. Her eyes grazed the room. The bed was a disaster, with pillows and sheets everywhere. She began to feel the butterflies in her stomach flutter as she thought of last night. Slowly she walked over to the bed and sunk into the blush mattress. She buried her face in the pillow Sonny had slept in.

"Oh" She moaned as his scent filled her lungs.

Olivia gripped the pillow as tight as she could. She was having a severe attack, an attack of Corinthos withdrawals. She needed him and she wanted him. It really was high school all over again. As she lay there on the bed gripping the pillow she heard a noise outside the window. Her heart began to pound as she realized someone or something was coming up the side of the house.

"What the hell?" Olivia asked herself.

A moment later the glass shattered and a figure jumped in the room from the window.

"Connie!" Olivia shirked.

It was indeed Connie. She stood there with a crazed look in her eye.

"Olivia?" She gasped.

Olivia let go of the pillow and sat up on the bed.

"Connie what ar you doing here?"

Connie examined the room

"Well, I'd ask you what you're doing here but I think I have a pretty good idea." She snapped.

"Hey" Olivia put her hands up "that's none of your business."

"Oh really? You're laying in my ex fiancé's bed while he's nowhere to be found."

"He's with Carly and Sam getting Michael and Morgan." Olivia explained standing up.

"How do you know?" Connie demanded.

"I was here when he left."

"You spent the night didn't you Liv?"

Olivia lowered her eyes to the floor, "Yes Connie, I did."

"I can't believe it! I thought you were done with Sonny a long time ago?"

"So did I until recently."

"What do you mean recently?"

"When I went to see Johnny he said some things that really got me thinking."
Thinking about what?"

"About me and Sonny, and how things used to be." Olivia said walking to the window.

"Well that wasn't the life you wanted Olivia. I chose Sonny, you chose-"

Connie, what are you doing here anyway? I thought you were supposed to stay away from Sonny for your mental health?" Olivia asked turning to face Connie.

"I left some things here and I needed to get them." Connie replied.

You could've called me and I would've brought them to you. So you wouldn't have had to come out here."

"I appreciate that Liv, but I just thought I would come."

"And break through the bedroom window?"

"Yeah . . . that was a little over the top. I could've chosen a lower window." Connie admitted.

"You think?" Olivia questioned annoyed.

"SO you and Sonny?" Connie grinned.

"Me and Sonny nothing." Olivia said kneeling to pick up the broken glass.

"Liv, you spent the night here!" Connie exclaimed.

"Yeah so what's your point?" Olivia snapped.

"My point is you're letting him get to you again."

"I don't care." Olivia said walking the glass to the trash can.

"You should care. Remember how he hurt you the first time?"

"Of course I do. But it's been so long since I've been with him that it feels like we're kids again." Olivia told her cousin.

"But we're not kids Olivia! We're grown adults!"

"Connie, you need to go. Now." Olivia snarled.

"Why it's not like you have anything to do."

"I have to find someone to fix this window before Sonny gets back."

"Oh yeah sorry about that."

"Hey don't apologize to me it's not my house."

"It will be soon!" Connie called as she headed out of the room and down the stairs.

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