9. A Little Bit

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A/N: So I typed this story when I was 16, almost 5 years ago and I just reread all 27 chapters today. You guys are in for a real treat!


Sonny sat with Carly and Sam at thr Port Charles airport waiting for the boys. He hadn't been very talkative with the ladies because his mind was focused on Olivia. He felt a small ping of regret in his mind for just leaving her laying there in his bed. He wondered what she was going to do all day in his big house. Or would she leave and go to her lonely apartment? He pictured her in his house, making herself at home. How it should have been from day one.

"Sonny" Carly said looking at him puzzled.

"Huh?" Sonny asked snapping out of his thoughts.

"We thought we lost you for a second/" Sam told him.

"Oh no, anything on the boys yet?" He asked.

"They should be here soon." Carly replied.

"That's good the sooner the better.' Sonny said relieved.

"The sooner the better eh? Looks like someone is in a hurry to get home." Sam teased.

"Would you two knock it off?" Sonny growled.

Carly and Sam grinned.

"Yep I knew you he wants to get home to Olivia!" Sam laughed.

"What has gotten into you two? This is pathetic." Sonny said.

He stood up and walked to the window.

"I think we pushed too many buttons." Carly told Sam.

"And he's got plenty of them to push." Sam sighed.

"Yeah I wonder if Olivia knows that?"

"Yeah, she only knows the teenage Sonny Corinthos. I don't think she really has any idea what this one is like."

"Well, she might have some idea but I think she's making a big mistake."

"Why Carly?"

Carly looked over at Sonny by the window.

"I mean Connie just left him days ago and now he's moving on to her cousin. Don't you think that's a little fast?"

"Yeah but Sonny knows what he's doing." Sam pointed out.

"I know he does, I just don't think she has a clue." Carly said.

Hours passed and Olivia still hadn't heard from Sonny, She had wasted her whole day in his large house all by herself. It was getting dark out when a car pulled into the driveway. Olivia sat on the couch in her robe and pajamas. She had gone home around lunch time to get some of her stuff since she planned on staying a while. She listened as the car door slammed and footsteps neared the house. Her ears perked up when she heard the key turn in the lock. The door opened and someone entered the house. Olivia knew it was Sonny.

"Well, well, well." He said walking into the room.

Olivia knew he was grinning by the tone of his voice.

She turned to face him, "Well what?" She questioned.

"You're still here."
"I told you I would be." She said standing up.

"What did you do all day?"

"Oh I layed in your comfortable bed all alone." She said walking over to him.

"Olivia is that really necessary you know I had to leave, it was for my boys."

"I know, it's just fun to tease you." She laughed falling into his arms.

"Oh you're so bad." He said kissing her lips.

"This is nothing Corinthos and you know it." She whispered once they pulled apart.

Sonny ran his hands down her sides, carefully feeling every curve on her dainty figure.

"It's amazing how much sass is in that little body." He said smiling.

"Well," She said huskily "you ain't seen nothing yet."

Olivia slid her robe off revealing her silk nighty. She watched as Sonny's eyes widened.

"Something the matter Boss?" She asked

"I had no idea that you wore such-"

"I don't."

"Then why now?"

"I'd do anything for you." She smiled.

Sonny pulled her close and held her tight. Olivia rested her head on his shoulder as they stood there in the middle of the living room, in nothing but the dim candle light.

"Is everything okay with the boys?" She asked.

"Yeah, they're with Carly now. I just had to get out of there." He said


"Carly and Sam were giving me a hard time about you." He breathed against her hair.

"What do they think I can't handle you or something?" She questioned looking at him.

"I guess, but I told them if anybody could keep me in check it's you Olivia Falconeri."

Later that night Olivia lay in Sonny's arms looking at the moon hanging in the dark night sky. They were up in the bedroom drifting in and out of conversation. She hadn't told him about Connie breaking in and she didn't plan to, especially not now.

"Sonny?" She whispered.

"Hmmm?" He asked half asleep.

"Are we doing the right thing?" She asked turning over to face him.

"Liv what do you mean are we doing the right thing?"

"It's just that we're not exactly the perfect match. Good Girl meets Bad Boy? Come on that's just for the movies right?"

"Wrong." Sonny said sitting up and turning on the lamp. "Now what's really bothering you? Is it Carly and Sam?"

"No," She said sitting up too.

"Then what is it?"

Olivia sighed, "It's just that we're sneaking around like we are back in Bensonhurst and it bothers me."

"It shouldn't bother you Olivia, it's dangerous like we're used to."

"No Sonny, you're used to the danger not me." Olivia said getting out of the bed.

"Sonny watched as she put on her clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to go home. I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm a grown woman with a son, I shouldn't be sneaking around having a secret affair" She explained heading for the door.

"What about all that stuff you said the other night about belonging with me?' Sonny asked getting out of bed.

"I was wrong I'm sorry Sonny." Olivia said heading for the stairs.

Sonny desperately wanted to follow or yell out how much she would regret leaving but he didn't. He just stood there in shock and denial.

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