Chapter 11

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A/N: Woo! Over 200 reads! Thanks guys.


I can tell all that gossip hurts Elsa and it hurts me to. I really hope it doesn't scare her away from me, I really like her. We both walk inside the cafeteria to get a coffee before class and like always, I try to avoid my friends when I am with her. They will mock me for being soft or caring. When we get inside, I see only Flynn and Kristoff, Hiccup must be in the library. I still cannot loose my bad boy reputation because being popular has perks and I can't loose them.

"Why don't you go and say hi to your friends?" Elsa asks me and tilts her head. I shake my head quickly and take her hand, guiding her to the till to buy coffee whilst also trying to not get noticed by the boys. Whispers from girls and boys about Elsa and I are subtlety talked about but I encourage Elsa to ignore them.

Its our turn to order coffee so I order for both of us. "Hi. Could I have two normal coffees." I ask and Elsa looks at me and makes a 'humph' sound- Oh right! I did not say please, Elsa likes being polite. "Please." I add and she smiles like the waitress does. I put a five pound note on the counter and tell them to keep the change. We finally get the coffee and sit down on a two-seater table near the corner.

The coffee is really hot as Elsa clearly just discovered because she pouts when she burnt her mouth. I chuckle when she whines but she laughs after. She seems to be more happy with me now.

"Jack," she says and has a mouthful of coffee. I hum in response and wait for her to speak.

"I know I've already asked you this but you never replied. Why do you act like somebody you're not when you're around your friends?" she nervously asks fiddles with her cup. Her question also gets me thinking, why do I act like a bad guy when I'm truly not one?

"I just don't wanna be nobody, I wanna be known and have a good reputation, I think." I reply and Elsa smiles at me before shaking her head. "Jack, you don't need to be known by everybody." she says and finishes the last of her coffee whilst I still have some left. I guess shes right in a way. I smile and we sit in silence before I feel a tap on my shoulder, revealing Kristoff and Flynn. Great.

"Hey, bro." They both say and drag two chairs over to our table. Elsa looks uncomfortable and awkwardly sits there before playing on her phone. The boys both look at me and smirk. "Caught a hottie, Jack" Flynn says and winks at me, Geez! she isn't some prize to win. To keep the peace between us, I just go along with it. "Yeah, I have." I smirk and dump the rest of my coffee which turned cold. Elsa just looks at me with pleading eyes as if to ask if we could go to class.

"Hey, Elsa." Flynn says in a flirty tone, even after I said that I was trying to date her. I glare at Flynn and he just gives me a 'what?' look. Elsa looks at him weirdly and just awkwardly waves at him. Flynn's face looks puzzled, ha! normally girls would never ignore him and I guess he just isn't used to being blanked.

"Jack, can we go now?" Elsa pleads and looks at me in desperation. I don't like seeing her get upset so I decide to agree. "Sure, babe" I reply and Elsa gives me a disgusted look before getting up, saying bye to the boys and we both leave to class. I need to at least try to be a typical boy if I'm gonna convince the boys I'm being the 'normal' me.

We walk in silence for awhile. Through the corridors filled with buzzing students until Elsa makes conversation.

"What was that!" She raises her voice and glares at me. What? I give her a questioning look. "What was what?" I ask her and try to think of something that could of annoyed her. Nothing.

"Babe, really!?!" She moans and pouts in annoyance. She's cute when she pouts. What's wrong with babe anyway? "Come on Jack, there's being the fake you in front of friends and then there's being the 'too smooth' you which is annoying!" She rants and pokes my arm. I chuckle and mess her hair like I always do when she doesn't stop talking.

"Els, I'm sorry. I just can't be me around my friends, you know that." I sadly say and smile at her. Elsa shakes her head and stops walking. I stop to.

"Jack, they're clearly not your friends because friends should accept you for who you are, not because of your reputation." She preaches and starts walking faster when the bell goes. She hates being late.

"I guess so." I agree with and we go out separate ways. She has English, I have Geography.

A/N: I'm back from my weekend holiday so here's the next update.

I still can't believe how many reads this book has!

Just to let you guys know, I might be changing the book cover to something better so don't let the change of cover think this isn't the same book. Its still gonna have the same name, obviously, but they cover will be improved.

Thanks for reading!


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