MSB: MHFTB- A Baby On Its Way (Part 2)

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A short summary of the first part: Ok basically I almost died, because I had a disease called preeclampsia which is a pregnancy condition that raises your blood pressure, and the mother could most likely die during childbirth, but I miraculously survived! I gave birth to a baby girl and named her Krystine, and that was the happiest day of mine and Mizuki's life! That story just popped in my head, and this second part I'm about to write also popped into my head!

Skipping to five years later, Kendall and her five year old daughter Krystine were walking in the hallway of the Prime Minister's residence. Krystine had the same color hair as Mizuki, and it was long and wavy. They brought along their dog, Link, who was a Golden Retriever, but Kenta offered to walk him and let him wander around, so Kendall accepted that. "I can't wait to see papa!"

"Haha! I'm sure you are!" Krystine is a total daddy's girl. Of course she loved her mother very much, but if she was given the choice to go to her mother or father, she would go straight to her father. Kendall touched her stomach which had another child inside. 'Please be a mama's boy! Most sons are!' Since she has been living a healthier lifestyle, delivering this child won't be a problem like the last time. In addition, Kendall graduated from college and became an elementary school teacher, but is on a long break, because of her pregnancy. (A/N: I'm in my first year and already want to graduate DX)

They entered the SP room, and Krystine looked around for her father. "Where's papa?"

"Your papa went out to get some files, but he will back any minute." Sora leaned down to her, holding out a toy. "Look what I got for you." Krystine looked at the toy in awe, and Sora showed her how it worked which amazed her more. He handed the toy to her. "Go on, try it." She tried to work the toy, but it ended up bonking her on the head, leaving a little mark. Sora put his hands over her to have the toy go the way she wanted. In result, she was able to do it which made her happy. 'Sora is good with kids... Well duh! He grew up with them!'

"Hey kiddo, how have you been?" Kaiji gave Krystine a soft noogie which made her pout. "How's judo going for you?"

"I just started so I'm still learning! But when I do learn more, I promise to become a black belt so I can protect my baby brother!"

Kaiji slightly chuckled. "You'll do good, kid. I believe in you. If you ever need help, you know who to ask." She nodded and saw a snack offered to her.

"I went to the store earlier and got you these." Subaru said with a smile. She took the snack out of his hand, and was about to open it, but stopped and looked at her mother. Krystine gave her a look asking if she can eat it. Kendall nodded and not even a second, Krystine opened the snack and began munching down.

"Krystine, what do you say?"

"Oh!" She bowed in front of Subaru. "Thank you very much!"

"Don't sweat it."

Katsuragi walked into the room, and spotted Kendall near the doorway. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Fer- I mean Mrs. Fujisaki."

"Good afternoon, Katsuragi."

"I apologize for almost calling you by your maiden name again."

"It's ok! I understand that you've first called me 'Ms. Ferreira' and to suddenly call me 'Mrs. Fujisaki' is like 'Wow!'." She laughed off her lost words since Kendall is bad at wording things. (A/N: That is true XD) Katsuragi felt something wrap around his legs, and looked down to see his co-worker's daughter hugging him. "Are you alright there, Katsuragi?" She snickered slightly.

"Y-Yes. I'm fine." He knew what she was waiting for, and so he took something out of his pocket and handed it to her. It was a pack of stickers.

"Thank you, sir!" She let go of his legs and saluted to him. At times, she saw her father doing that to Katsuragi so she copied him. Kendall couldn't help but laugh at that point.

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