Kevin Barr

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I looked into the mirror and stared at my naked Body, I even pulled off my hat. Dark thick hair fell down my neck and chin, and my fringe practically touched my nose, I flipped it out of the way and flexed, nothing changed, no muscles bulged, nothing. My fringe fell again and I blew it out if my eyes. "My oh my, I'll need to get my hair cut soon, pretty soon it will not fit under my hat." I giggled to myself, picturing my hat falling off, and my hair spilling out "oh the other teenagers would have a riot, haha!"
Someone knocked on the door downstairs. "Oh I uh.... Coming!" I yelled looking for pants frantically and putting my hat back on. I found a pair of joggers and pulled them on not bothering with underwear (which is unlike me, I love order. Wether it's clothes or living space.) I also decided I didn't need a shirt, I mean it's 8pm, whoever if here shouldn't be here for more than I second, and it was probably just Ed or Eddy anyway.
I opened my front door to find a strong red headed boy standing a good 5 inches taller than me. "Oh why... Hello Kevin... I wasn't expecting you at this hour I-" he was staring at my bare chest. "Oh hi uh, I'm sorry that I'm not wearing the proper apparel for this meeting.." I stammered, but Kevin just raised a hand, signaling me to keep my mouth shut.
"Yo Dorko, I uh... Are your parents home? Did they tell you I was coming over..." I left the door open and walked to the kitchen, looking at the home phone. I heard he door shut and Saw that Kevin had followed me into the kitchen. "Ah yes, a message from mother, have a seat Kevin, I'll listen to it now." Kevin walked to my living room and sat on the couch, putting his feet in the coffee table. "Uh Kevin, can you not have your feet on the table, and no shoes in the ho-" I was cut off by his cold stare that warned me to shut up. "Never mind Kevin... Proceed.." I sighed and put the phone to my ear

-Eddward, me and your father will be in the Philippines for another month and then we will be all over Africa for a couple months. As you know, Kevin's mother has been sick in the hospital for 2 years now, and she has contacted me saying that Kevin's father had left last week and Kevin had not informed her, but now they don't have power or water in their house, for the bills are not being paid, so Kevin will be staying with you until: either his father comes home, his mom comes home, or she can get their bills paid, I know you'll make Kevin feel welcomed, I love you so much,
Love mother.
Also darling, I wired another couple thousand dollars you our account.-
I put the phone down and looked at Kevin sadly, who had fallen asleep on the couch, "poor young man." I walked over to him and giggled. He had who's mouth hanging open slightly, and he was quite adorable. I tapped on his shoulder. Two green eyes peered at me.

"Excuse me Kevin, would you like to sleep in the guest room?" I asked,if he really needed my room is be happy to give it to him.
"Actually Dorko.... I kinda afraid to sleep alone... Can I just sleep in a sleeping back in your room...."
I couldn't believe Kevin Barr, the school Jock, captain of the football team, was scared to sleep alone. "A-actually Kevin... I have a pullout couch in my room, I can sleep on it if you want to take my bed."

Kevin jumped up, "actually double Dweeb, I'd prefer the pullout, like home sweet home." He let out a small laugh. "Yes ..... Well I'm going to get read for our slumber, you may stay up and watch the television if you'd like."

"Nah Dorko, I'll fallow you. I uh... Don't want to be alone.."

What did his father do to him...

"Of course Kevin..."
Kevin and me went into my room and into my bathroom. "Well, everything is like...tagged"
"Actually Kevin..." I Interrupted. "They are labeled, not tagged..."
Kevin glared at me again, and repeated what I said in a high pitched voice. "My apologies Mr. Barr, I was just trying to correct you so you look like you have more than 100 brain cells!" I yelled frustrated. "....what...?" Kevin just stared, "oh nevermind...lets brush our teeth."

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