I love you Dork

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"What's on that paper Kevin?"
I eyed the crumbled paper. It wasn't paper from my room, I used pure white college rule paper, and that was off white and wide set lines.

"It's a stupid journal entree I made in middle school, please read it, and please don't laugh at what a little fag I was." Kevin's face was red, and he kept grinding his teeth together.

"If you don't want me to read it Kevin I-"

He pushed it into my chest, "please..."

I sat on the bed next to him and read the letter out loud as Kevin buried his face in his hand.

I saw him today and I just got so angry and I don't understand. My counselor says these feelings are normal for boys questioning their sexuality, but I'm not gay! Nat already tried bringing out my "gay" but God when I look at Double D... I dont know."

I paused and Kevin mumbled " please don't stop, just get it over with."

I continued reading:
"He makes my mouth dry, and my knees shake whenever he looks at me, i dont know... I dont know... I don't love Double D... God I don't love Double D."

I stared at the letter for a long time and I could feel Kevin's eyes on me, finally I turned to him, "Kevin you-"

Kevin's lips smashed down on mine, and for a long second we seemed to melt into each other, "I was wrong Double D, I did love you... I still love you.." He whispered, and kissed me again.

"Uh Kevin?" I blushed hard,
"Yee dork?"

"May I please put some clothes on?"

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