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*Edds POV*

I woke up with puffy eyes, and my head was pounding. "My oh my." I put my fingers to my temples and rubbed them hard. Memories of last night flooded into my head. I glanced at the clock

"IT'S 8:30 AM!" I screamed, jumping out of our guest bed. How was I going to get everything done by the time I wanted to go see my friends? My head pounded louder.

Suddenly I heard the soft hum of a vacuum cleaner.
What on earth?

I cracked the door of the room open, and saw Kevin vacuuming the hallway, the smell of bleach and bacon filled my house. I felt my face get warm.

Am I getting ill?

The vacuum cleaner shut off, and Kevin spun around, making eye contact with me. He smiled. My cheeks got warmer.

"Hey, Double D." He smile reached his eyes, "I cleaned your house and made us breakfast, oh and I mowed the lawn, I saw you trying the other day. It was a little sad man." My jaw dropped.

"Kevin how did you achieve so much!" He laughed, and for some reason, I felt like laughing too.

"Well, Dorko, I couldn't sleep last night, so I got to work." He had dark circles under his eyes. I brushed it off and walked downstairs,. To the smell of bacon.

"Thank you Kevin." I said as he slung and arm around me, I felt a tingle in my stomach.

It's probably a brotherly type thing Edd, calm down.

He laid out bacon and eggs and pancakes and hash browns. "Where did you even get all this food Kevin." I asked while shoving a pile of hash browns in my mouth. I usually eat my food slowly, but this was just too delicious!

"Kevin where did you learn to cook like this!" I couldn't help but yell it, my taste buds were in hypothetical heaven!

"My mom." He said simply, his face changed and seemed to be darker, sadder. "Kevin I-"

*knock knock knock*

I got up and skipped to the door. Maybe it was Ed and Eddy, I couldn't wait to tell them about how clean my house was!

I opened the door to look into the eyes of Jimmy

My very very very ex boyfriend

"All I need is you."Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora