Chapter 10: Crushed Dreams

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19th October, 2015

I look forward to reading your comments on this chapter. (You'll probably know why once you reach the end;)

To those asking, in sha Allah, the next time I update on wattpad, it will be for 11DoHD. JazakAllahu khairan for your support on this story, it makes me incredibly happy to know that you are enjoying it, alhumdulilah :) Don't forget to vote if you like the chapter :)

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Remember often the destroyer of pleasures," by which he meant death.

Source: Sunan ibn Majah 4258, Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Chapter 10:

Crushed Dreams

Assalamu alaikum! Bilal here. Let me know if we can meet today at your workplace so I could hand over the pen drive. I'll drop by at the same time as the other day. - Bilal

Dina read the message, feeling a bit weird seeing Bilal's text pop up on her phone. Having heard quite a lot about him and his group in the past, she never thought she'd actually get to know him or even take his help for making the video.

Probably Naila was the reason for this, but then again, things weren't going to head the way Naila had initially planned.

She shook her head at the thought, and typed a reply.

Wa alaikum as salaam. Sure. - Dina

Dina put her phone in her bag when she didn't hear it beep with Bilal's reply and walked out of the store she was currently in. Before going to work, she had decided to get something for Amreen. Since her chemotherapy was taking a toll on her, and the last time she visited, she was terribly scared of the nurses around and started crying every time she saw a man in white coat, Dina had decided on buying a children's doctor set. This way she could play with it, and it would also reduce a bit of her fear towards the doc's instruments.

Naturally, while visiting a child in the hospital, you'd want to buy them their favorite chocolates or toys, but it was different for Amreen. Her immune system had gone so weak that it hurt to even sit without back rest for a long time. And outside food was totally out of the option.

She walked to the hospital from the store and since she still had ten minutes before the children came, she decided to stop by Amreen's ward which was about fifteen steps away from where she currently was.

On reaching the door, the nurse was just about to say the usual no more visitors allowed but recognising Dina, she simply nodded and let her in.

Amreen was lying on the hospital bed, looking more fragile than she had imagined. Her mom was the only parent in the room along with a nurse, and she managed a smile upon seeing Dina.

"How's Amreen doing?" Dina inquired after the exchange of salaam.

"Since we just finished with the fifth session yesterday, she barely finds the energy to even get up from bed. She's been kept under observation because she managed to catch an infection and along with it, her reports show a low hemoglobin level."

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