Chapter 3: Arriving

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Chapter 3 Nessa's POV*

Odin rode in front of us all leading us towards Hiemdall, he stopped while in front of him and got off his horse. We all did the same and stopped about two metres in front of Heimdall once Odin had stopped. "Allfather." Heimdall respectfully greeted Odin. "What is it you need Heimdall?" Odin asked, voice hard and serious.

When Heimdall calls for Odinn then you know something is really wrong but, when he calls for the presence of all the royals, then something major is going on. "Midgard has been attempting to contact us my king, I sense trouble there. They are confused and worried and say that they are in need of our help." Heimdall reported.

Odin thought about what Heimdall had said before replying, "Not that I don't care for Midgard, I do. But why does this concern us, the Midgardians tend to take care of their issues by themselves?" I was quite curious myself, S.H.I.E.L.D were the only ones who knew of where the entry to the byfrost was, 'so what did they want with us?' I thought.

"They say that they 'may not be able to handle this', I can sense something other worldly present on Midgard and that it wants to cause destruction." Heimdall said. We were all surprised at what he had said but, Loki was quick to recover and give his opinion on the matter.

"But still, what does this matter to us? If they mortals could help themselves when I had came down with an ARMY, then they can surely defend themselves now." Loki said scoffing. I rolled my eyes at him 'typical Loki' I thought.

Thor didn't agree with what Loki had said and decided to stand up for the mortals."We are the ones with knowledge on what beings are in the nine realms, they may just be looking for answers about what exactly it is that they are facing."

"They have all of this machinery yet do not have any which can identify other beings?" Loki retorted as he slowly moved an inch closer to Thor. "Well I don't see how exactly they would have ways of identifying other beings they have never had to come in contact with them for them to be able to have an image of one." Thor said also moving closer.

"Well I guess the mortals aren't as smart you make them out to be and to think.... your dearest Jane is a scientist." This had really angered Thor and both were now in each others faces. Thor had his hands in a fist and Loki was clenching his jaw, these were their personal symbols of when they were mad.

I was sick of there bickering and I could tell the others were too, but they seemed to cautious to actually stop them. I rolled my eyes once again and walked around to the other side of them, just in front of Friga who was standing at the back of the group. I placed a hand on each of their chests and pushed them apart, squeezing in between them so I was standing in the middle of them.

It took a bit of force considering neither of them wanted to move but I am a God, I got in between them and outstretched my hand so that they were apart. Thor, being stubborn, wanted to go against my push and start a fight.

He moved against my outstretched arm to go forward which in return made Loki also move against my arm. My arms bent slightly at my elbows but I quickly recovered and use my strength to separate them again.

"Hey! That's enough." They both stopped but didn't take their eyes off each other. I pushed them apart a bit further so that my arms weren't touching them and they made no move to fight. "What shall you do to help them Allfather?" Heimdall asked.

Odin had taken a few long moments to think hard about this question. When he finally came up with an answer it had shocked us all. "Thor and Loki I'm sending you both to Midgard to sort this out." Odin said.

None of us had expected for him to say that Loki would be going back to Midgard, and we were all silent but when it registered to me that he didn't say I was going I had become slightly angry. "Wait what about me, am I not to go to Midgard as well?" I questioned. I knew that I had just came back from almost dying and I was slightly weak and tired and had the feeling that, that was the reason Odin didn't include me in the trip to Midgard.

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