Chapter 10: Great escapes and greater lies

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Chapter 10: Nessa's POV*

I slowly edged towards the clearing, mapping out what precautions I would have to take to shield myself. Mass amounts of magic would draw too much attention, so I decided to cloak myself rather than wipe out the entire force of black servants working in front of me. I used magic to disguise myself as one of them and walked right through the clearing. As I approached the doors I made sure to temporarily immobilise any magic which would lock me out of the inside of the warehouse. It would last me about a half hour before it would, in turn, immobilise me. It's not a long time frame, but her magic is dark and strong and it was the best I could do at the time.

As I entered the warehouse I paid close attention to my surroundings, everything was dark and there were servants scattered about attending to different jobs. Sharpening weapons, creating potion bombs and looking at various papers of Asgardian script, some of which had my name as their title. I turned away from the workers and continued on, knowing well that Loki was being kept in the basement, I could sense his presence below me.

After walking through a set of old, paint chipped, wooden doors I proceeded to head downstairs. Once I had reached the last floor I found myself faced with a fork in the road. Three paths were laid before me, all of which gave me the sense of Loki being at the end. She must have spread the illusion of his energy so that If I came I would not know where to find him, knowing very well I would be on a tight time frame. I knew I had to take my time in deciding which path to take, only one would be correct and I had the feeling that the other two mightn't mean good news for me.

I decided to sit on the floor, close my eyes and focus on his energy, with the possibility of contacting him. I took slow, steady breaths and attempted to slowly but surely chip away at the magic firewall I was facing. Once I had broken through just enough to send a message, I asked Loki through his mind 'where are you?' His response came in the form of a very slow and completely muffled 'I do not know' But that was enough for me to narrow down his location with the burst of his energy, and determined that he was in the last and most right hallway. I walked through the dimly lit hallway passed many empty cells Until I reached a door with a small, barred window on it. I attempted to look inside but I was met with an empty darkness. I opened the door and walked down the narrow set of steps.

Once I reached the bottom I was met with a room lowly basked in the moonlight, my eyes went straight to the wall opposite where I saw an empty set of shackles slowly swinging back and forth. I took a few steps forward, my head tilted in confusion and my eyebrows scrunched up as I walked puzzled into the seemingly empty room. Then, as if they had appeared from thin air, someone tackled me from behind and pinned me to the ground. Shocked and sensing the need to remain calm and not fight, I heard the sound of a sword or dagger being unsheathed. Twisting my body around so that I was facing my attacker I came face to face with an enraged and anger drove Loki, who hadn't seemed to recognise me yet.

"Stop! Loki it's Nessa." I whisper-yelled to him, not wanting to make a mass of noise. He stopped a dagger held in both hands above his head, puffing from the amount of energy he just expelled. He stared down at me with wide eyes, scanning me in quick movements. Our eyes met and he stared into mine for a long second, he then proceeded to bring the dagger down towards me. With quick reflexes, I threw him across the room and held him in his place. I looked at him, struggling to get himself off the wall. He was beaten and tired and was weakly writhing against the wall, making no progress.

Seeing him so weak and broken almost brought tears to my eyes, I felt as though I had failed him, that I had come too late. But I had more important things to worry about, I needed to rescue him then I could apologise for my late comings.

"Loki, It's me. I need you to calm yourself and clear your mind." After another short moment of struggling Loki slowly stopped, and straightened himself to look at me. He took a deep, shaky breath and looked me straight in the eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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