Chapter 5: From dreams to reality

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Chapter 5: Nessa's POV*


I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker as the world around me grew darker. Suddenly I had a burst of energy and my eyes shot open. I sat up quickly, breathing heavily. I sat up and looked around, I was sitting in the middle of a clearing in a forest. There was no grass and there was dead leaves and twigs all over the clearing and all the trees surrounding the it were broken and chard, like they had been in a fire.

I heard rustling coming from behind me so I stood up quickly and turned around, there was no one there. A twig snapped to my left, and i turned my head to the direction of the noise. My heart started to race and I could feel that what was out there knew that. Suddenly I felt a gush of air behind before somebody whispered in my ear: "Boo."

I turned around instantly and came face to face with a cloaked figure. At first I thought it was Stigr, but when I looked closer I could see that they were shorter and had the build of a woman. "Who are you?" I questioned immediately. The person didn't respond instead she put down her hood to reveal her face. She had black hair, coffee coloured skin and light Hazel eyes, I instantly recognised her as the woman from the photos.

I attempted to use my powers to pin her against the wall but nothing happened, I clicked my fingers in attempt to make a small flame appear in my palm but that didn't work either. The women laughed at my failed attempts to perform making and said: "You don't think that I don't know about magical abilities?" I looked at her surprised at first but wanting to know more. "Is that so? Well, what exactly do you know about me?" I questioned confidently.

"I know more about you than you do. I know that your mother gave you to your father, the king when you were first born. I know that you were raised as a maid instead of a princess in the castle and I know that you were banished to Midgard and were only brought back to Asgard two months ago." She said Arrogantly. I stared at her in shock, 'how could she possibly know this much about me? She's obviously done some research' I wondered.

She smiled at my silentness and took that as her chance to continue. "But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to talk about something much more important." I made my face one of stone so that it showed no emotion. "Go on." I urged her. She smiled and explained what the important topic was. "There will be a point in time where you will join me and DON'T try to argue it is inevitable and will happen eventually.... When you do you will be given the missing pieces of the puzzle that is where you were for nearly two weeks, how Stigr died and all those exciting things." She proposed, it was suppose to get me interested but I'd never gone her, 'I don't know why she seems so confident that I will'.

Before I got a chance to respond she had started to move towards me as she spoke again, but I stood my ground. "But for now just know that if you step one foot out of line, you will know a pain so bad..... that the pain you felt during those five days will seem like Valhalla compared to what I'll put you through." She whispered low but clearly. "And here is just a minor example." She said in my ear as suddenly a sharp pain in my abdomen had made me fall to the ground in pain.


I woke up gasping in pain, I groaned and felt like I was going to throw up so I turned my body so that it was over the edge of the bed I was lying in and luckily for me there was a bin there. I threw up blood into the bin and began coughing. I felt someone hold my long, brown hair back and pat my back lightly as I coughed. I started throwing up again so they squeezed my shoulder reassuringly instead. Once I had stopped coughing and stopped I grabbed some tissues from bedside chest and wiped my mouth with them.

I threw them in the bin and looked at who was behind, it was no other than Captain America. I wondered why he was in my room in the first place but I'm glad he was, I probably would of looked like more of a mess if he hadn't pulled my hair back. "You ok ma'am?" He asked me in a concerned tone. I nodded my head as I turned my body so that I was in a sitting position. I winced as I did this: I could still feel an aftershock of pain from what ever that witch did. "You don't look ok." He concluded as he helped me into a sitting position. "Well I'm fine, but thanks for helping." I said, he smiled and responded saying: "Any time."

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