Charter 7: Mission gone wrong

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Chapter 7: Steve's POV*A.K.A Cap

"Well if you can't figure out what it is, which you always can, and if I can't sense it then you probably shouldn't touch or go near it." Loki warned Nessa, but she wasn't listening. Well at least I presumed she wasn't listening since she hadn't answered. It felt kind of strange that she hadn't answered though; firstly because we were just talking a second ago so I doubted that she just tuned out of the conversation since it's so unlike her. Secondly because if she was listening she would have replied with a dismissive,  sarcastic response or at least a scoff. She would have acknowledged that she had  heard us and since she hadn't something deep down told me to worry about that. I just shrugged it off though, or at least tried to, Nessa's a grown woman and a strong one at that, I was pretty sure she could fight her way through any situation. So I tried my best to just forget about it, thinking she was just being stubborn and carefree as usual, but it seems like Loki had the same idea. 

"Well that's odd." Loki stated cutting the silence.

"What is?" I asked as I watched Loki's gaze go from me to Nessa who was standing oddly still on the rickety, old platform.

"Well, normally I'd expect for Nessa to answer but she hasn't, instead she's completely ignored us which she never does." A look of worry crossed Loki's face as he stared at her unmoving figure, this surprised me slightly because I always pictured him as heartless and selfish from the experience I had with him. I guess with Nessa he may have turned a bit soft? I questioned silently in my mind. It'd only been about thirty seconds, if not less, since Loki spoke to Nessa when suddenly she gasped and took a few steps back, closer to the edge.

"Nessa?" I called for her in confusion, curious as to what she was doing and what was wrong. She was standing at the edge and I watched in horror as her body fell limp and she fell over the edge of the platform.

"Nessa!" I yelled as I ran forward, I slid down on my knees, still advancing towards her falling figure. She fell directly into my open arms. Her head was lolled back, eyes closed, she appeared to be exhausted, her features displayed it along with an uncomfortable expression.

"Nessa, can you hear me? Please Nessa,  if you can hear me open your eyes. Gosh Nessa, wake up!" By the end I had grown tired of calling for her and had started shaking her awake. I turned to Loki in desperation.

"Can you do something?" I asked, worry evident on my face. Loki looked from Nessa's limp body in my arms to my face. His face was blank, no emotion on it, his eyes looked lifeless as he stared at me. This made me angry because to me, it had looked like he he didn't care.

"Loki! This is a life or death situation here, I need you to concentrate." I stated, he didn't seem to be listening to me so I laid Nessa down and walked towards him.

"Are you even listening to me!?" I yelled at him, I was standing directly infront of him, but his eyes were still fixed at the spot where I was knelt with Nessa.

"Loki." I moved to stand infront of him in the direction he was staring at. As I looked into his eyes I saw that they were unmoving and clouded, not something you would normally see.

"Loki?" I asked confused and worried, 'What the hell was going on around here?" I thought to myself. He didn't respond so I went to shake his arm but as soon as I had made contact Loki had instantly woken up out of his trance. He held both my arms in a tight grip and looked to his suroundings, a look of relief washed over his face but that only lasted for a second. The emotions that were in his eyes when he looked at me were anything but relief. He moved his grip to my shoulders shaking them lightly.

"We have to get out of here!" He announced,  I was about to ask what was wrong when I heard screeches and crashing coming from outside. This was followed  by the sound of gun shots and a plane flying over head.

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