Chapter 12

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A/N: If you read the other chapter before yesterday, I highly suggest you read just the beginning part again; I've edited it a bit, and I now can get on with my Mystrade chapter :¬) [And oh yes, is this definitely Mystrade!]

[Also, this chapter is dedicated to PiperBueche, for spotting the Supernatural references in the last chapter!]


"Christ..." I muttered as I blinked my eyes wearily. I couldn't get to sleep. I honest to God couldn't. The noise from the after party was so loud it reverberated through my body. We don't normally have parties celebrating football wins, because our team is normally so crap (excluding me, without being big headed) that we never win anything.

Did the last few hours even happen? I pushed my head into the pillow and ruffled my hair so it stuck up. Did Mycroft intentionally turn the heating up so high on purpose? I moved around a bit so I could find a cool spot, and flipped my pillow over to the cold side. I sighed, then caught a glance of myself in the mirror. I was on the edge of the bed, one leg off, my shirt riding up over my back, my sandy hair stuck up, my duvet falling to the ground and my other leg spread out to the other side. I grinned slightly, which dissipated when the door opened slowly.

As soon as the door handle twitched open, I shoved my face into the pillow, and tried not to move. I heard the door close quietly, and footsteps approach my bed. I shuffled around slightly, so it would look like I was merely moving in my sleep, and gave a fake, quiet, pretty convincing snore; not a really loud one, just a quiet snuffle, the way Mycroft sometimes does. The footsteps walked over to the corner to the room, and as I heard the bathroom door close, I sneaked a peak, to check who it was, hoping through some miracle it wasn't Mycroft.

I let out a silent groan when I saw Mycroft's coat hanging on his bed. I needed to talk to him, but I knew he might be a while, so I let my mind wander.

Unfortunately it wandered to recent events; which I could remember only too well.

We'd just won the football game and we'd just hoisted John onto our shoulders and carried him to the hall. Everyone was screaming, and everything was just so happy. Random people were coming up and clapping us on the back, particularly John and I; however, John got pulled away by a couple of people and I was left alone, with everyone kind of congratulating me.

I had just turned around, and then I saw Mycroft standing there in the middle of the screaming crowd grinning at me. Without thinking I ran up to him and hugged him, and he hugged me back tightly, gripping the back of my hair. I pulled myself back, and then we kind of looked into each others eyes.

Oh God, it sounds so... cheesy.

But we did.

His eyes were blazing, with happiness, and I could tell mine were too. We stayed like that for a few moments, before he seemed to hesitate, and he began to lean in when--

Fucking Anderson.

Anderson had pulled me away from behind to congratulate me. Whilst Anderson was talking without saying anything of relevance, I was silently fuming, because when I looked back at Mycroft, he was gone, and I could see the back of his head and coat leave through the doors for a split second. I turned around to tell Anderson how much I wanted to physically attack him when I saw that he had left me, and was seemingly in an awkward conversation with John, Sherlock and a random man, who I guessed to be a relative of John.

I had spent the rest of the celebrations looking for Mycroft around the whole school, but to no avail. I had given up, and I went to my dorm to change, as I had 5 minutes to get ready for the concert. I pushed the door open and noticed that the bathroom door suddenly locked the instant I came in. I hesitated; I wanted to talk to him, but I thought I should respect his privacy. After all, if he wanted to speak to me, he would speak directly to me. After all, he is a Holmes brother. But when I turned around to put on my shirt, the bathroom door was open and the dorm door slowly swinging slightly.

And Together We Fell (prev. "Teenlock") - An AU Sherlock/Johnlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now