Ch7 Memories

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Inoichi found himself in a sewer. Foul odor filled up his nostrils. He gagged, retching sound echoing in the tunnel. Shaking his sandals free of water, Inoichi began walking along the wall. Soon he reached several doors. Pushing the first one open, Inoichi found himself watching the memories like a movie.

He saw Naruto grow up, was kicked out of the orphanage, was beaten up, and was the victim to many other horrible acts, which convinced Inoichi that he must report this to the Hokage when the jutsu is over.

It continued for a while until one scene caught his eyes.

Around 9 years old, Naruto was yet again bullied by shop owners. Immediately after kicking Naruto out, he began treating his next customer, Uchiha Sasuke, with smiles and acting as if nothing had happened.

Sasuke, surprisingly, went to Naruto's defense. He questioned the shop owner's attitude towards Naruto, and even threatened to never visit that shop again if the treatment continued.

Later, Naruto and Sasuke walked home together, chatting animatedly together. After finding out about Naruto's horrible life, Sasuke began growing sympathetic to the boy. He realized how much he had that Naruto never had.

After that incident, they became friends. Naruto, not wanting to ruin Sasuke's reputation, acted as if they aren't friends in public. Sasuke did the same because he's afraid his fangirls will become jealous and harm Naruto if they saw him getting so close to Sasuke. Thus, they agreed to act like enemies in public, but friends in secret.

Together they trained, played, and even pulled pranks (with Sasuke's buying the necessities and doing the preparations).

To say he was surprised was an understatement. Inoichi was shocked beyond words! To think that everyone, including the Hokage, had been fooled by two 9 years old's acts! He wondered how they managed to pull it off for 3 years without anyone's finding out.

Few scenes later, finally he reached the night of the scroll incident.

To his surprise, the incident happened just like how Naruto had described.

"Naruto? What are you doing here near the teacher's lounge?"

"I want to ask you something, Iruka sensei." Naruto whispered, "do you know what jutsu we will need to perform tomorrow, for the exam?"

"Naruto! I can't tell you that!" Iruka jumped back, eyes widening.

"Eh~? Not even a hint?"

"No means no. It's against the rules."

"So if there're no rules, does that mean you will tell me?" Naruto smirked in a foxy manner.


Damn, who knew Naruto can be quite sneaky?

"Fine then, I'll go ask Mizuki sensei then." Naruto sighed dramatically. "And here I was thinking my favorite sensei can provide me help when everyone else just shunned me away."

Hearing that made Iruka frown sorrowfully. "I'm sorry Naruto, but as your teacher I can't help you cheat. I'm sure Mizuki sensei will say that too."

"Who knows? Maybe Mizuki sensei will help me, since my passing the exam means I will no longer be in his class, which I'm sure will make him all happy and giddily seeing how much he hates me."

As Naruto had said, after hearing the request from Naruto, Mizuki immediately took the chance and questioned.

"Do you want to know why you can't perform a bunshin correctly?"

Naruto widened his eyes. "Of course! Tell me, Mizuki-sensei!"

"The truth is, on the night of the Kyuubi attack, the Fourth Hokage didn't kill it, because it's impossible to kill a demon made of pure chakra. So he chose an alternative method," Mizuki said as Naruto listened with unblinking eyes. "He sealed the Kyuubi inside a newborn. You."

"Me?" Naruto croaked out, index finger pointing uncertainly at himself.

"Yes. And because the Kyuubi's massive chakra is hard to control, it made you unable to make a bunshin, which requires great chakra control."

"D-does that mean, I will never be able to pass the graduation exam?"


Hope glinted in Naruto's eyes.

"There is a way; however, it is a little dangerous. Are you willing to try?"

"Of course! I'll do anything to pass the exam!"

"Good!" Mizuki smirked. "There's actually another bunshin jutsu you can learn which can also help you pass the exam. However, the jutsu scroll was kept in Hokage-sama's house. What you have to do, is to borrow it, and bring it here, then I'll help you with the jutsu. After you learned the jutsu, you can then put it back, and no one will know."

"That's easy! It's just getting a scroll from jiji's house! I can do it any time!" Naruto cheered.

Mizuki shook his head. "It's not that easy. Hokage-sama's house is protected by many seals. Some will alert him if an intruder enters his house, because they can detect chakra. But don't worry, I will teach you a way to get past them."

Alarm was ringing in Inoichi's ears. Something's not right. There's no way, even if he's a spy, Mizuki could know how to get past The Third's seals. Not to say what kind of seals they were.

"Chakra Suppression Technique can help you suppress your chakra to the point that it's impossible to be detected. Here's the handseals..."

Mizuki then taught Naruto how to perform the technique. Then later that day, after Naruto went home and dressed himself in an all-black attire, he went straight to the Hokage's house. He first performed the technique and suppressed his chakra completely. (HIS chakra, not the Kyuubi's chakra. It's chakra can't be detected if Naruto don't use it.) Then Naruto quickly slipped into the chimney when he spotted the opportunity (when the guards weren't looking).

Then, as Naruto had stated, he went to the meeting place but Mizuki weren't there. So after a while, he went back to the house...

Inoichi exited the boy's mind.

AN: This chapter isn't well-written. Sorry guys, but I just don't feel motivated. Please bear with me.

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