Chapter 4

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Dean came back later at night from wherever he was with some whore or hooker she fits both descriptions. She looked at me like i was trash but Dean told her to stay away from me.

I had dinner ready when he arrived with the . . . Thing. She smelled like smoke and liquor. I wrinkled my nose as she walked by.

"Who is this Dean!?" She slurred pointing at me.

"No one baby forget her" he said kissing her neck. I tried not to gag.

"I made dinner Dean" i say and flinch as he glares at me.

"What is it?" He asks and goes back to kissing the thing and it giggles well i think it did it sounded like a snort and gargle.

"French toast, bacon, and eggs" i say twirling my hair feeling scared that he would hit me if he didnt like the food. he has done it before.

"Im not hungry so you eat it" he says and leads the trashy chick into his room.

I stare after him shocked. . . I can eat? I can eat! A real smile appears on my face. I can eat! He said i can eat!

I hurry into the kitchen and grab his plate and hurry into my room. I sit down on my bed and eat with my hands. I dont care that the syrup is sticky im hungry! I eat the three slices if bread quickly then eat the bacon and eggs in seconds. My stomach grumbles complaining about all the food at once but i lay back smiling breathing hard.

I got to eat! It tasted great!! I smile up at the ceiling. Today was a great day! I didnt get beaten! I met Adrian! And i actually got to eat! I roll to my side smiling i fold my hair over my body and play with it. I fall asleep dreaming of something better.


I wake up to the sun shining down on my face. It caressed my face bringing warmth. I smiled listening for Dean . . . . But i didnt hear him or the hooker!! I sit up quickly. Another great day?

I quickly change into jeans and a big shirt. Its a dark blue and tattered but its better then anything. I sneak out quietly just in case they are here. I peek into his room to see no one and a left over trophy from the hooker . . I think its underwear? Ugh discusting.

I sneak into the living room and still no one! Today has started off excellent! I smile and wash my face in the kitchen. Today should be great.


I might have spoke to soon. All happieness gone. Dean? I shiver in fear. I slowly walk into the living room staring at the door. If i dont let him in he is going to beat me.


I open the door closing my eyes waiting for the impact of his fist but . . . .

"Nadia?" I open my eyes to see . . . Adrian!

"Oh! Hey!" I blush.

"Ah that what i came here for" i freeze as he runs a thumb over my cheek.

I try to breathe but i cant stop staring at him. His smile carefree and dimples! His hair curly as always. His beautiful green eyes shining today. He has on a gray tanktop and basketball shorts. His tanktop shows every muscle ive dreamed about.

"Nadia? Are you thinking naughty thoughts?" He laughs. I blush.

"Ah! There it is again!" He says pointing.

"Shut up!" I look down blushing.

"Can i come in?" He asks.

"uhhh . . . Sure" i move aside.

He walks in smiling. I watch as he spins around looking at everything. He nod his head then looks at me making my heart skip a beat.

"This is an okay place" he says then sits down on the couch.

I sit at the other end of the couch. He just stares at me smiling. I blush again and look down.

"Your hair is so long!" He says in awe as he examines it all.

"Yea it is" i smile

"Soo Nadia since your into letting complete strangers into your house im guessing you have never heard of stranger danger" he laughs.

"Should i be worried about letting you in?" I ask tilting my head.

"Oh! Please! No im as soft as kitten" he laughs.

"Lies i see you out there with your friends playing football" i laugh

"Oh you watch me play?" He asks his eyes lighting up.

"Well i have nothing better to do inside then watch people outside" i say turning red.

"Ohh hu . . Excuses excuses" he shakes his head smiling.

"Not even! . . . Plus your not even that good" i tease.

"Oh . . Really?" He asks his eyes changing to a challenging glint.

"Nope ive seen better" i say fake yawning.

"Hu . . . Hmm" he says smiling at me.

"I like you Nadia you got attitude" he says shaking his finger at me.

"Oh well . . Im sorry to break your heart but i dont like you" i say smiling.

He gasps putting his hand over his heart. I laugh ugh what is it about him that just makes it so easy to talk to him. Maybe its because ive never talked to someone else besides Dean.

"You broke my heart!" He says wiping a fake tear.

"Your a dork" i laugh it feels good to laugh.

He was about to say something when i heard a car pull up. DEAN! I pale and stand up.

"What is it?" He asks.

"You need to get out" i say.

"What? Why?" He asks standing up.

"Get out! Come on!" I say grabbing his hand and pulling him to the back door.

"Wait will i be able to come back?" He asks as i hear Deans keys jingle.

What was i thinking!! No! I shouldnt even be talking to him! Im just putting him in danger and me in for another beating!

"No" i say and push him out the back door and lock it.

I hurry back to my room as i hear Dean slam the door. He is not in a good mood. I crawl to the corner my heart beating 100 miles per hour.

Please dont take it out on me please dont take it out on me! I chant in my head but fate hates me. As the door slams open.

"Nadia" The devil speaks.


Please tell me what you think!! It took awhile but its there!! I need to know what you think! Please comment! It will make my day!!! <3 Pink Monkey

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