Chapter 10

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wow . . . I like fell off the earth. . . sorry ha ha for those who stayed I'm sorry I was gone so long but total writers block and no internet but now!! . . now I'm back yay!

Love Monkey Co or!


. . . . I don't know what I was thinking . . . running away was stupid . . . I feel so. . . dumb I wipe my face my tears smearing on my cheeks. I haven't stopped crying after Dean beat me I usually never cry but now . . I couldn't hold it in, the pain just split me in half . . . the bruises cover my thighs and stomach and my arms its hard to breathe.

          I hear Dean with some of his friends laughing. They must be drinking. I curl up in my blanket and stare at my hair. . . its not so beautiful anymore. its knotted together and tangled. I don't want to brush it . . I don't want to be here. I wipe my face again smearing the tears. Ugh . . . I stand up and tiptoe to the door. I might as well wash my face and try to breathe . . try to sleep.

           I peek out the door and hear them talking but can't make out what they are saying. I sniffle and open up the bathroom door to be startled.

"Oh woa . . . hey" the man smiles at me holding a needle to his arm with a rubberband around his arm. I look at my feet and frown.

"You must be Deans roomie I heard he had one but nobody has seen you" he chuckles and I see him eye my arms. I'm wearing a tank top with sweats but it still makes me feel like he can see everything.

"Those bruises doll . . . are they from this?" he asks pointing to where his needle was. I shake my head and rub my arms.

"Well come in baby" he grabs my wrist and pulls me in I don't struggle because if he tells Dean I was rude I will just get beat again.

"Its okay" he says wiping my face with a wet rag I flinch but don't fight he doesn't look like a bad guy. His hair needs to be cut and he would have kind eyes if they weren't red . . . and different . . like big, and he isn't big like dean he seems a little bigger than adrian.

"You ever try this?" he asks holding up the syringe and I shake my head again. Dean has told me plenty of times that I should never touch stuff like that.

"I see you are in pain baby . . . this can take you into a different world where everything feels better . . . you feel like you are floating and you won't hurt anymore . . . trust me" he says softly and I can hear the promise in his voice and not feeling pain . . . it could be heaven. I nod and he smiles like the cat that got the canary.

"Alright come here" he pulls me on his lap and I stiffen.

"shhh its okay I'm not going to hurt you" he whispers and ties a rubberband on my arm and I wince.

"My name is Wallace baby" he says in my ear and I make a face.

"Nadia" I whisper.

"Beautiful" he says and does something with a new syringe and the needle glistens.

"Alright baby it will be a sharp pinch like getting a shot" he says and I wince as he sticks the needle in.

"ow" I say and he hugs me close and I feel something rush through me. . . like fire and its racing through me and I feel . . . I can't explain but something like happy. I smile and lean my head against Wallace's shoulder.

"Its an amazing ride baby trust me" he says kissing my shoulder.

        I don't even push him away I feel so . . . lost and not in my body but happy I giggle for no reason and he laughs with me. I don't even scream when Dean walks in I just smile even when Wallace stands up and I got dropped to the floor I laugh and roll to my side it didn't hurt! I have bruises! but it didn't hurt!

"Wallace! you mother fucker!" Dean yells pulling wallace out the bathroom.

"Oh! Dean he's nice!" I laugh and crawl to the door and see Dean on top of Wallace smashing his face in with his fist and blood . . . blood ohhh I think I'm going to be sick.

         I turn and throw up into the toilet. Wallace's face looked . . . ohhh I throw up again and wipe my face. I feel some ones hands on my face and on my shoulders. Oh my god my heart is racing I was just happy why is everything going wrong in my body. It feels like needles in my heart.

"Nadia baby" Dean wipes my face and I blink up at him. Dean . . . dean is touching me I think I'm in trouble.

"Come on baby im taking you to the hospital" he whispers picking me up.


yea I know nothing about drugs but it happened!! wallace got basis! high! but it went into a bad trip! soooo Dean the super hero he is! is taking her to the hospital after all she weighs almost nothing! hope you liked!

Love always PinkConor

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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