Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

  (14 Years Later) -NadiasPOV-

   How do they feel? Doing the same thing everyday? I watch them everyday so i guess im doing the same thing. I'm at the window again watching people doing what they do everyday. Watching them play on the old rusty swing set.

   I've been there when i was little, i remember playing how fun it was to giggle to live so carefree. Feeling the wind blow my hair everywhere so irritating. I remember wishing to ride the yellow bus to the school but no . . i never went to school.

   Dean did'nt want me to. He's . . the jailer i guess you can say. I cant do anything now, cant go outside, cant talk to people, just have to stay in this stupid room. It was'nt always like this. When i was little he loved me but now . . its just all wrong.

   Back to the window, its all i do most of the time just people watching. I make fake lives for them. I smile to myself as i see family #2 their the family that i assume are always busy. The mother is always talking on the phone shooing the little kid away while she's talking. Sometimes i daydream that i'm the little girl's older sister and that i watch her and she giggles and runs to me. . but that's just a daydream and it just makes me sadder.

  I lay my hair over my shoulder, its long enough that when i stand up its an inch above my knee. No tangles, i make sure to take care of my hair, its the only thing beautiful in this house . . . everything else is dead. Its so dark it shines, well i like to believe so . . it helps shield my face from the outside world.

   Looking back outside i see the group of boys that always tackle each other outside over a ball. A ball. I'v heard of football but i don't see the point i mean it seems like it hurts. Your tackling each other for fun? People break their legs! And people do it for fun. The group of boys start throwing the ball to each other and i cant help but sigh like a love sick girl i mean the boy is to good. I may be a stalker but the boy is gorgeous! To me he is, he has dark hair that glints when he runs, its curls on some days, i've never been close enough to see his eyes, but i bet they'd make me drool . . just sayin. Its summer so of course when they play they are going to take off their shirts so lucky me. Total stalker right now but! who cares.

  I smile at my thoughts and giggle. I live for these days. Where everything seems so perfect. I turn away from the word i will never have and to my closed "dungeon" stupid small room. I lift my flat bed kicking it to watch the dirt fly off and grab my blanket from the ground. i plop down hurting my elbow but not caring . . it matches the other bruises. I close my eyes trying to think of a better place to be but that's hard when its always hell here. I curl up holding myself getting pulled into sleep.


  I'm surrounded in darkness cant see anything. I'm spinning looking for any light. I hate these dreams i feel so helpless. I run going on forever to nothing. Nothing at all. I scream feeling my throat start to burn. I hate the darkness. I hear my heart beating in my ears loud. My breathing starts to become raspy. I hate he darkness!

"Anyone!" I scream. My eyes instantly burn i scratch my face. No crying! Tears don't do anything!

"Please!!" My voice rings in the darkness like it would in a small room. I fall to my knees.

  I'd take anything besides the darkness. I'd rather dream of someone trying to kill me, getting chased by dogs, evil creatures trying to eat me! but not this . . this darkness.

"Please . . . anyone" I say weakly. but regret it when i hear . . . his laugh.

"Be careful what you wish for"  he says.

    NO. I scramble to my feet and start running, sprinting. No i hate this. I take it back i'll take the darkness! not him! please not him! . . I cant scream my voice wont come out, feels like I'm choking on my scream.

"Oh Nadia" he sings laughing.

  I stumble and fall his voice sounds like he's in front of me, I trip fear fueling me I run the other direction trying to escape this hell, trying to escape him.

"Nadia" I hear in my ear. My mouth opens in a silent scream as i fall back tears finally trail down my face.

   I feel him grab my leg I struggle trying to kick my way free. He laughs and starts dragging me. I still claw the ground trying to kick his grasp off my ankle. He's the monster. He's the jailer. He's what drowned my light. Why there's only darkness now. I go limp giving up. Tears a reminder that I can do nothing. Burning as the trail leads down my face. He laughs as he throws me in the darkness of another room and that's when .......


  I wake up. It was just a nightmare. He's not here. Deans not here . . not yet anyway. I curl up trying to calm my heart. Calm my nerves. Sweat is coated on my skin from the nightmare. I scratch my face trying to stop the tears. Tears get you no where. I pull the blanket over my head. Just a nightmare. If only I was so lucky.

"Nadia!!" the monster yells as he slams the door in the house. He's home. I made no dinner. I didn't clean . . My eyes burn. I'm dead already, I shield my face. Waiting for when he comes in. Waiting for my very own nightmare to start.


Authors Note: please comment and vote i'd really like to know how this small chapter went. Please.

Sincerely, MonkeyConor :)

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