Chapter 8

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**Unknown POV**

I can't believe she's alive. She had the birthmark of my beautiful baby Maria. My baby girl. My eyes water as I sit in my car still in front of Al's grocery store. I saw her . . And him. My hands tighten on the steering wheel. My Maria didn't recognize me. That bastard probably told her lies.

She was so thin. She looked so like her mother. Her mother was beautiful but a selfish bitch. Giving her own daughter away for fucking drugs. She overdosed a year after she gave him to that . . . Guy.

I cleaned up went to rehab and all. I am living a better life with my new wife Sarah. She's better for me and cept me on track. She knows all about Maria. . . My baby.

She was almost as tall as me. Maybe 3 inches shorter. She had shining long hair. Beautiful no skin she got from her mom. Emotion filled eyes at that time looked at me with fear. I know its my daughter though. She has the same eyes and birthmark on her wrist. My beautiful Maria.

That man though. He still has her. Dean she called him. I remember him perfectly. He still has that cocky look and dark eyes. He had a good punch I can say that. My face still hurts. I rub my face and start the car.

I shouldn't have ran for their car i should've ran to mine and chased them but i was in shock . . . I thought she was dead this whole time but no . . She's alive. A sad smile appears on my face. She's alive.

I pull out and start driving to the police station. Maybe just maybe they could help me. I don't know where he lives! And that kills me. What if he moved? Does it matter! I still don't know where he lived before! I growl as i pull in the parking lot for the police station.

I jump out eager to start looking for my baby girl. I look up at the building dark memories rising. I've been here a time or two for drugs and other things. They remembered me, how could you not i came in kicking and screaming. Bad days of my past but I'm a sober man now, i got a job and a clean wife. I sighed as I walked in feeling my nerves start.

"Big Bruce surprised to see you coming in without handcuffs" he laughs. Peter a old cop that hauled me in a few times.

"Hello Peter i came to talk to a detective or someone to help me find someone" i say standing by the counter.

"Well why don't you talk to me, like old times" he smiles.

"I'm serious Peter i need help" i glare.

"Bruce you shooting again?" He asks glaring back.

"I'm fucking clean Peter" i snap slamming my fists against the glass.

"Calm your ass down Bruce" he says angry.

"I just want someone to help me" I sigh sadly running a hand through my hair.

" . . . . Well let me help you" he hesitates but buzzes the door open to let me in. I walk through and follow Peter.

He leads me to his desk and before i sit he motions to my pockets. I roll my eyes but empty my pockets pulling out my phone, car keys, my wallet, and an empty candy wrapper. He pats me down then motions me to sit down. I feel my anger growing, he's treating me like a prisoner again.

"Your sleeves" he nods toward my arms and i feel like I'm going to snap and punch him. I roll up my sleeves to show their clean.

"Happy" I snap.

"Peachy" he smiles at me.

"Are you going to help me or not!" I growl.

"Well then what is the problem?" He asks taking out a notebook.

"My daughter I found her well . . I saw her she was with this man at Al's" i start.

"Your daughter?" He asks frowning.

"Yes . . I lost her about 13 to 14 years ago" I say and he sighs rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Bruce do you even know if it was really your daughter?" He asks and i slam my hands on his desk.

"Yes! I would know my own daughter!" I snap.

"Its been 14 years! How would you know!" He snaps back.

"Peter she looks as innocent as she was when she was little and she has the birthmark on her wrist! Exactly like my daughter! Peter its her!" I beg trying to convince him.

"Alright . . Alright Bruce. So why did you let her go?" He asks.

"The man that has her . Dean! Punched me then ran out of the store and drove off." I say sadly.

"Dean?" He asks.

"Yes Dean do you know anything?" I ask hope in my voice.

"Well theirs rumors about a drug dealer named Dean and he's never been caught and we don't know where he is but we know he's in this area we got people searching for him and moles everywhere" he says rubbing his beard.

"He is a drug dealer" i say but some of the hope is out of my voice. They don't know where he is.

"Well Bruce I will make sure to make a report about this but we don't know what she looks like and we don't know where to look" he sighs.

"He's somewhere around Al's" i sigh frustrated.

"Well do you know what he looks like? Or what she looks like?" He asks.

"Yes! Yes i do" i say sitting up.

"Okay well I'll send you over to someone you can describe them too and then you can leave." He says nodding and stands up leading me away.

Its 6 when I leave the station and I've been there since 2. I'm tired but excited that I'm a step closer to finding my daughter. My beautiful daughter Maria. Who is alive. I smile as i drive home.


Sooo Bruce is now trying to find his beloved daughter and now they know what Dean looks like and Nadia or Maria i guess :) cops looking for them!


Anyways I'm out! <3 Monkey Conor

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