Chapter 5

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Im trying to upload a picture of Dean but idk if it will work!! So if you cant see him! Im sorry!! :)

Anyway im uploading!!! And in a different POV! Sooo Please comment!! Ill love you forever!!


*Adrian's POV*

"Nadia!" A voice yells as i stare at the door.

What is going on? I hear a slam and a crash. What the fuck? Everything was going fine and then i was rushed out. Now yelling?

I walk on along the side of the house following the noise. I walk upto a window and flinch back. A man is dragging Nadia out by her hair out of the room. She is kicking and struggling against the man.

I step away from the window. What is . . Should i? . . . I dont know what to do. I just met the girl and this is what is happening? Does this happen all the time? Im not ready for this. I flinch again as i hear another crash.

I turn and start running. I run away from the yelling and crashes. I push her innocent face to the back of my mind. I cant save her. So i ran not looking back.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

~the next day~

I wake up panting and sweating. She was in my dream. She was screaming for help running toward me. I ran away though. The man was right behind her with so much rage in his eyes and was yelling my name threatening to beat me.

I feel like shit. Should i have left her there? That was a stupid thought! Of course i shouldn't have left her! What could i have done though? Something a little voice whispers.

I groan and turn over looking at my clock. Its 4:46 in the morning. I got to deliver the newspaper. Its fucking Thursday. My newspaper route is just a summer job til i leave for college in a couple months.

Why am i trying to act normal! Shes propably being beaten! Right now! Ugh! Just forget her! I try to think of something else but her big innocent brown eyes pleading for me to come back. Then i see the man and his face pulled in a snarl as he is dragging he out by her hair. I cant save her.

I sit up running my hand down my face. Its too early to be feeling depressing. What was i thinking!? Fuck it! I stand up and pull on cargo shorts and a black tee. I lace up my red and black jordans.

I do the basics brushing my teeth, washing my face . . I clench my teeth as i see Nadias sad eyes flash through my mind. Fuck. I walk down the stairs quickly and walk out locking the door behind me.

A bundle of newspapers already on my porch. I pull on the bag and put in my earbuds blasting "Do her wrong" by Atom Smash. I start jogging down my street and throwing the newspapers on the lawn.

My thoughts lead to Nadia. Her big beautiful brown eyes just shouting innocence. Her full lips pulling into a shy small. Her cute blush spreading over her cheeks. Her beautiful! Beautiful! Long hair! It was so long and just flows around her.

I slow down as i walk down her block. Her house is at the end. I throw not caring where it lands as i keep my eyes on her house. Its just like mine but a dirty tan color. Dry grass a yellow color. A dead rose bush in front. The house looked haunted.

I stop walking infront of her house and stare. Is she awake? I take a step forward but stop as the door opens. I freeze as the man walks out.

He is smoking on a cigarette and blows out the smoke. He is shirtless and tatted. He could kick my ass.

"Come here boy" he says throwing the cigarette on the ground and rubbing his heel on it.

I hesitate but walk forward. I look past him searching for a glimpse of Nadia but dont see anything. Is she okay? I wonder and a little voice snarls what do you care! You said fuck it right?

"What you looking for boy?" He glares.

"Nothing" i say . . . He doesnt look that much older then me.

"You need to get paid?" He asks.

"Yes" i say and watch as he pulls out his wallet.

My eyes widen as he opens his wallet and see 100s filling the thing. What the fuck does he do? He pulls out a 20.

"I dont got anything smaller then this so give me back change next time" he says holding it out to me.

I step forward to take it and pulled on it but he didnt let it go. My eyes shoot to his and he smirks.

"What you scared for?" He asks and laughs.

He lets me take it and i walk away putting my earphones back in. I look back after ive walked two houses down and see Nadia peeking through the shades in the living room. It was just a flash of seeing her then its gone. I think it was her. I sigh as i walk back to my house.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

~later that day~

"Man! Adrian! Whats wrong?" My friend Corrick asks throwing a pillow at me.

After my paper route and a shower i walked to Corricks house. Its not that far from mine. Corricks not his first name its his last name but ive never called him by his first name Zackary. No i call him Corrick.

"Nothings wrong man im just tired" i laugh.

"Whatever dont fucking tell me then" he says rolling his eyes.

"Im serious" i say throwing the pillow back at him.

"Is Jared coming over?" He asks looking back at the tv.

"We playing today?" I ask.

"I thought we were" He says raising an eyebrow.

"Man i love cheetos" he says out of the blue.

"Really? Thats your answer?" I ask laughing.

"Well i love hot cheetos!" He says shoving a handful in his mouth.

"Your wierd man" i say then start bouncing my knee. nervous habit.

"So you going to hit Sara up?" He asks.

My face twists in discust. Sara is a pretty blonde. Hourglass body but everyone knows shes been everywhere. Everyones touched that.

"Come on Adrian! You got to get laid! Do something!" Corrick yells throwing cheetos at me.

Yep thats Carrick always on my back about getting laid or shagging as he sometimes put it.

"Im not into blondes. I like brunettes" i say smiling.

"Whatever your loss" he says.

"hmmm" i look back out the window. She is still haunting my thoughts.

"Man i got to go" I say getting up.

"Where you going?" He asks.

"Home" i say but no . . I was going to go see her.


I dont know!!! What do you think please tell me!! Comment! I know not my best but tell me what you think! Adrian isnt that bad!! But please!!

Like i said ill love you forever!! <3 PinkMonkey

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