Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Megan Hellier

Hi my name is Lilyana and this is the story of my life, and how I became a vampire.

It was just a regular day, come home from school, do homework, and cook for my twin sister Lola. Well my sister had a completely different idea about that. She decided since it was a Friday night, that we should go to a club. That is how it all began..... 

"Lily hurry up." my sister Lola shouted

"I'm coming."

As i'm putting on my high heals I look up to see me sister wearing a silver sparkly dress that is mid thigh with silver high heels.

"Lilyana please tell me you are not wearing shorts and a shirt to a club."

"Well I don't have anything to wear that is considered as 'club outfits' and I also don't see you helping me." I look at Lola and she just has this evil smile on her face

"Come and follow me I have the perfect outfit for you." I already know when my sister says 'perfect outfit' she means a slutty outfit.

When I got into Lola's room I was hit in the face with a thousand perfume smells that smelt terrible. You couldn't even walk there was cloths all over the place its like she hasn't cleaned it in forever.

"Here you go Lily I found the dress and it is going to look beautiful on you."

I look down at the dress and it is blue with silver across the top and then it goes down your stomach and it goes up mid thigh.

"Thanks but I kinda want to go in what i'm wearing right now."

"Hahaha I don't give a crap your going in the dress."

"Ugh fine I will go in the stupid dress but let me wear sneakers." I said with the puppy dog face.

"Fine as long as you wear the dress, now put on the dress and do your make-up and your hair and lets go."

"Okay give me 10 minutes and I will be ready."

"Lola i'm ready where are you?" I screamed coming down stairs

"I'm in the kitchen getting some water."

"Okay I was just wondering I thought you left me."

"Why would I leave you here you might trash the place."

"Um no that is more like you i'm always in my room."

"That's a lie Lily."

"Okay fine whatever floats your boat."

"What's that supposed to mean??"

"Nothing lets just got." I say with a little laugh.

"Okay but I hope you don't mind if we walk there its only a couple of blocks away."

"Yeah thats fine." I say with a fake smile.

I know I sound lazy for not wanting to walk but whenever i'm walking with my sister, she always finds something humiliating to talk about, or she finds a random guy to flirt with and it gets really annoying sometimes. You may be thinking she's your twin, so your just like her. Well i'm not i'm nothing like her I don't go to clubs every weekend, I don't have a new boyfriend everyday, and I also don't have sex all the time.

"Lily are you there?"

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking about something that's all."

"Okay I was just going to tell you we will be at the club in a minute its around the corner."

"Oh okay."

When we got to the club my favorite song Light em' up by Fall Out Boys was blasting so loud that I didn't even hear Lola ask me something until she screamed in my ear "I'm going to the bar do you want anything to drink?"

"No i'm good remember I have to stay sober because you always get drunk so then I always have to help you get home okay."

"I don't ALWAYS get drunk remember last time we went to a club and you got drunk."

"Um no that was not me that was clearly you."

" No it wasn't."

"Okay whatever makes you happy."

God this girl really knows how to drive me crazy some times.

* 2 hours later*

"Lola its 3 in the morning lets go home." I shouted into my sisters ear.

"Oh heeey Lily what'z are you doimg?"

"I'm here to take you home and your drunk."

"But Lily I don't want to go home and I'm not drumk."

"Lola your drunk lets go now." I shouted

"But Lily I don't want to go home and plus this guy right here said I can stay at his house for tonight so you can go home."

"Oh hell no you are my sister and you are not going to some random guys house and spend the night now lets go before I call Mom and Dad and tell them your going home with a random guy that you don't even know."

I'm not really a snitch but when it comes to my sister I don't want anything happening to her.

"I already called Mom and Dad Lily they said they don't care as long as i'm save and if i'm there in the morning." My sister said with a cocky smile.

"You know what Lola you get everything that you want burn in hell i'm leaving."

Authors Note

There will be a update on 5/29/30

Lola's club dress -

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