Chapter 4

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When Joey and I got downstairs all 7 of the boys where stairing at me like I had something on my face, and it was really awkward.

"Um do I have something on my face?" I asked the boys.

"Noo, noo you don't have anything on your face."

Most of the boys wern't even looking at my face they were looking up and down my boy once I looked down to see waht I was wearing, I was still wearing the club dress that was pulled up a little since I was sitting on the floor and also, since Joey was also sitting on my lap.

So i'm stuck living with 7 hot guys this mights be interesting. Oh and can't forget Joey the cutie which makes 8 boys.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard 2 of the guys laughing.

"Um what are you guys laughing at was it something I said?"

"Yes well not really it was something you were thinking."

Something I was thinking? What does he mean by that?

"When can I go home?"

"You can't go home." All 7 of the boys chouted at once.

"Why not I have a sister to take care of, that doesn't even know how to take care of herself let alone stay by herslef without my help. Can I atleast call her to see if she is okay?"

"Do you have a cell phone that you can call her on?" One of the boys asked me.

"Yeah I havea  cell phone, but I don't know where it is at?"

"Carter do you know where Lilyana's cell phone is?"

"Yeah it's in the kitchen on the table."

"Thanks Carter. Hey Carson can you take Lilyana into the kitchen to get her cell phone."

"What the hell do I look like her damn maid." Carson said

When I looked over to see what one was Carson he was already by myside. He looked about 17 years old, blonde hair, with blue eyes, he also was shirtless, and he had a six pack. God was he hot.

Yeah he is also a player somebody said inside my head when I looked around to see who said it, I seen that Carter had his finger by his mought doing a shh sign. So I knew that it was Carter that was always talking in my head and also in my thoughts.

"Can somebody please show me where the kitchen is so I can call my sister please." I asked the boys.

"I will, I will." Joey shouted running up to me.

"Okay Joey lead the way to the kitchen."

Once I got my phonr from the kitchen the boys told me to come back in the room and call my sister and tell her, that I am going to be staying with some friends for a while, and that I don't know when I'm coming back.

**On The Phone With Lola**

"Hey Lola it's me Lily."

"Oh hey Lily what's up I thought you would have been home when I got home this morning."

"Yeah sorry, once of my friends asked me to spend the night for a wile."

"Oh okay do you know what day you will be home on?"

"No I don't know."

"Oh well are you still going to call me everyday or atlease once and awhile."

"Yeah I can do that. I will call you once in awhile before I go to bed. Or in the day just to see if you are okay."

"Okay, well Lily I have to go to bed I will talk to you tomorrow, hopefully."

"Okay I will talk to you later."

"I love you Lily."

"I love you to."

Once I got off the phone with Lola I was really sad all I wanted to do is be with her right now. I hope that she will be okay by herself for awile and doesn't do anything stupid while I am gone. I looked around to see if everybody was still around me, and they were, since I wasn't trusted talking to my sister because the boys thought I was going to tell her that I was kidnapped, and forced against my will to stay here with these boys, no, no, not boys, HOT boys.

"Aw thanks Lilyana I didn't know you thought of my like that." Carter said outloud

"What are you talking about." I asked Carter.

"What you were just thinking."

"Aw shit you can read my mind I completly forgot about that." I said with a frustrating grunt.

"It's okay. I don't mind reading your mind is kind of fun."

"So where will I be staying at or sleeping at since i'm stuck living with you guys will I mean I don't mind living here but Carson is kind of a asshole and he obviously hates me."

"You are sleeping in the same hallway as Me, and Carson and Hunter.' Carter said to me.

"Um is there away that I will be able to move to um I don't know probably a different hallway because remember what I just said Carson hates me."

"Listen here Lily I don't hate you I just  don't like you that much." Carson said to me coming offly close to my face to were are faces where touching.

"You know what Carson i'm not scared of you so back the hell off and leave me alone." I shouted back at Carson.

"You know what Lily you are living in are damn house so you are going to be living by are damn rules do you got that." Carson shouted at me.

:You know what Carson go to hell because I don't even want to be here."

" You know what im already in hell because you know that we are vampires and now you are stuck living with us yeah that brings me to hell."

"Did you just say Vampire?" I said frightened

"Wow you guys never told her that she will be living with vampires for the rest of her life? That is really cold even for you guys and I thought I was bad?"

It took me a good ten minutes to take in what he just said Living with vampires for the rest of her life? Can things get any worse?

It can do you want to know how I can make if fun. Carter said in my head. I swear that kid need to find a new hobby and stop reading my mind.

" I swear to god Carter if you don't stop reading my damn mind I will kill you, I already have your death wish planned to." I said with a big grin on my face.

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