Chapter 3

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When I woke up it was still dark but I wasn't in the same place as I was before. Where could Carter possibly take me? What if he took me somewhere nobody will ever find me and then just leave me there to die.

"Don't worry Lily I wouldn't take you somewhere adn just leave you there. I'm not like that at all. Well I am but I don't do that to girls only guys." When I looked over to where I heard the voice, I seen Carter speeding towards mr.

"Where am I and why does my neck hurt so much?" I said while holding my neck.

"Well Lily I was told to bite you and then take you to the house."

Bite you? What is that suppost to mean? I said in my head.

I'm really sorry that I bit you Lilyana. Somebody said in my head.

"Um Carter." I said

"Yeah doll face what is it."

"Why am I hearing voices in my head saying the only things that me and you are talking about?" I asked Carter

"Well there is something I should tell you, Me and my brothers arn't normal humans we are-" With that 6 boys came speeding down the stairs shirtless and attacked Carter.

"HEY." I shouted but nobody listened to me then I saw a little boy that looked about 5 years old, come skipping down the stairs and stopped when he seen the 6 boys and plus Carter, all fighting on the floor once he seen that I was there he grabbed my arm and ran up the stairs.

Once the little boy got me all the way upstairs and he pulled me into a bathroom he told me what was happeneing.

"My brothers don't like it when my brother Carter tells people what we are."

"Oh what are you guys if you don't mind me asking?"

"I can't tell you that." The little boy said while climbing on my lap. God was he freezing cold.

"Oh okay."

"Do you want to play a game Lilyana?"

"Sure I would love to."

"Okay what is your favorite color?" he asked me.

"I would have to say Neon colors because they are bright." I said answering his question.

"My favorite colors are green and blue."

"Those are great color choices." I said with a smile.

"What is your name?" I said hopeing I would get a answer.

"I'm Joey."

"Hi Joey, i'm Lilyana."

"I already know who you are my brothers have been talking about you for awhile."

"What do you mean awhile?" I asked Joey

"My brothers will have to explain that I don't know anything they even say they use big kid codes, when they are around me." Joey told me.

"Well then how do you know they talk about me all the time?"

"Because your code name is Blonde and they also say that you are really pretty and you are." Joey told me with a smile.

"Oh really." I asked with a big smile.

"Yep hey Lily can I ask you something?"

"Sure Joey you can always aske me anything."

"Okay can we be best friends?" Joey said with a little smile

"Sure I would like that alot."

"Hey Joey do you know how long I will be staying her? I asked him.

"My brothers said that you are going to be staying her forever."

Forever? It took me a minute to take in what he was saying. What about Lola how is she going to take care of herslef, she can't even make food let alone stay and take care of herself.

"Oh okay." I said with a fake smile.

"You don't have to be sad we will always see each other."

"Yeah your right." I said with another fake smile.

"Do you have a sister?" Joey asked me.

"Yes I do I actually have a twin sister named Lola."

"AWESOME theres two of you." he said with a giant smile while jumping up and down.

"Welll yes but no she is my twin but she is nothing like me."

"Oh." was all he said.

"JOEY." Somebody shouted from downstairs.

"I'm coming." Joey shouted back in my ear.

"Lily you might want to come with me they might want to talk to you about something."


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