Chapter 2

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  It's 4 in the morning and i'm stuck walking home by myself.... FML!!! what else could possibly go wrong?

 "Oh look at that we have here."

 Once I heard that voice I stopped in my tracks I didn't see anybody around, so who could have possibly said that? I thought to myself, Lily just calm down its probably just your mind playing tricks on you. Once I started walking again I heard what was a glass bottle turn into broken glass,and once I seen where it broke I was really scared. I't broke right behind me but once I turned around there was nobody there. What the hell is going on. I know for a fact my mind is not playing tricks on me now. I was past scared I was frightened.

 "There is no reason to be scared we are here to help you.'

"Who said that." I shouted

Whoever this is they better not be playing tricks on me because I will prank them back well atleast if I now them, but if it is a killer I will pull out my knive and cut them.

"You can try cutting us with your knife but it won't work doll face."

Okay this is definitly not my mind playing tricks on my this is a actual person saything this to me but who could it be thou??

"Yep your mind is not playing tricks on you and we are actual humans well if that is what you want to believe then go right ahead."

"Why are you doing this to me? I don't even know you, you probably don't even know me so you probably got the wrong person." I said shaking so bad.

"Oh we definitly don't have the wrong person."

"How do you know that? You don't even know my name..."

"That my dear is where you are wrong, your name is Lilyana but your twin sister Lola calls you Lily isn't that right?"

Once they said my name I started running I was so scared I didn't even care if I was heading in the right direction of my house as long as i'm not by myself. Oh wait the coffee shop I practically know everybody there they can help me. The person that keeps talking to me or that I keep hearing won't be able to follow me there, there is way to many people at the coffee shop, or atleast I hope there is or if it is still open at 4 in the morning. Please be open

"Oh Lily, Lily, Lily we know you to well we already checked to see if the soffee shop is still open, because we knew that was going to be your first place to go to and doll face it isn't open.

"Who are you??"

"I know who you are but you don't know who I am."

"Can I atleast know your name thought please."I mumbled.

"Of course doll face i'm Carter."

"Okay Carter can I ask you something?"

"No I don't like it when people ask me something."

"Oh okay well never mind then, sorry I asked." I mumbled with a frown.

"Okay fine I hate it when I see girls sad or not happy whet did you have to tell me."

"Well I was wondering if number one if I can go home. Number teo is why were you chasing chasing after me?"

"No you are not aloud to go home I am sorry but you can't. Number two I was told to chase you."

"Wh can't I go home and who told you to chase me."

"You can't go home because you already know what we are, and my brothers told me to chase you."

You already know what we are? What is that suppost to mean I thought he was just a normal peron just like me."

"I'm sorry Lily but I have to do this..." Once Carter said that all I saw was him open his mouth and then his teeth turned into pointy things that looked like fangs.

"Whaaat are you doing?" I said I was so scared what was I suppost  to do I didn't even know where I was at all so I couldn't run.

"It's for your own good, this will only hurt a little."

"What are you talking abo-" with that Carter lunged at me and then everything went black and my whole world went spinning until it came crashing down.

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